Inarus Shaw

Order of Hermes
Senior of Anagnosi
Philogus Quartus of House Shaea
Adept of the Crossroads Chantry


~Dark-haired and dark-dressed, Inarus bears the resemblance to his mother’s exotic Near Eastern heritage, while retaining his father’s dignified American gentleman’s airs. The young, scholarly man prefers blacks and grays in his modest, semi-casual suits and attire. His black hair is trimmed short, and a well-kept short beard encircles his smooth, oval face. His skin is healthy and slightly tanned, belying his bookwormish tendencies: it’s just a result of growing up in a desert nation. Inarus limps along with the support of a sturdy, oaken walking cane. Dark, polished shoes tread softly across the way. Glasses often rest on his nose, framing his deep-brown eyes. Those very same eyes illustrate vast realms of knowledge and understanding, giving an almost insufferable sense of wisdom to the young sage’s steady gaze. There are stars in Inarus’ eyes, and they hold many secrets.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Arcane 1

"That is a possibility, yes. But I suggest you consider another source. The Harmony of the Rock, by Lord Cody Hamilton, on pages 174 to 175, will provide all the information you need to know to change quartz to diamond. Why don't I use that information? Goodness, no, I have no use for material wealth. Reading is true believing!"



If two halves made a whole, then Inarus was one step ahead when he was born. For three and a half minutes later, his twin sister, Anat, was born. The twins were a well-planned, auspicious result of the joining between two mysticks. William Shaw, a Verbena hailing from the American South, and Mafuane of House Shae (of the Order of Hermes) were proud of their children. Within a few years, both twins proved as precocious and bright as their parents. Living in Cairo, the family took many tours of famous Egyptian sites such as the pyramids. And both children were given book after book, encouraged to read and absorb and expand their young minds.

And Inarus certainly did, as did his sister. The boy demonstrated an eager love of reading and knowledge even from a tender age. More than just an interest in knowledge fine and fair, Inarus developed an amazing, intuitive comprehension. He digested almost everything his parents fed him. He and Anat were both well aware of their parents’ mystick ability, and it did not disturb them. Growing up with it made them appreciate the Arts and lust after the hopes of Awakening. The seeds of fate seemed promising for both children, too. Inarus lived in awe of his parents, especially his mother, who dazzled him with the ancient ways of the land in which he was born and raised: Khem (Egypt).

When Inarus grew a little older, he began to take quiet, lonesome forays in the night. Without his family to accompany him, he slipped out of the city and skimmed along the desert. The boy visited the nearby pyramids and ancient structures and ruins. When he’d return and sneak back into bed, he would fall into fitful dreams. But the dreams were not of the ruins and ancient tombs. He dreamed of the wide desert, and the chill of getting lost in that wide arid plain instilled terror in Inarus’ heart. Anat shared her brother’s bedroom when they were that young, and she became aware of his late night trips out the window -- and the nightmares he’d have after he returned.

Inarus confided to Anat the nature of his nightly trips. So she began to accompany him, and they grew ever closer. When they returned, however, the nightmares still haunted his sleep. There were nights that he would crawl into bed with his sister or she would awaken with his cries, and crawl in with him. The ten year olds would huddle close under the sheets, and Inarus would sleep soundly thereafter.

Over the next few years, the pair rarely journeyed out anymore. Inarus spent much more time studying and reading. He learned several languages, including ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. He devoured all measure of modern academics, and demonstrated keen insights into complex metaphysical philosophies and theories, too. He even seemed to understand the theories regarding sekhem (Quintessence) and its role as a building block in the dynamic metaphysical balance of ma’at (the Egyptian version of Taoism). And when he was not studying, the youth was with his sister. Sometimes they would compare notes, and sometimes they just cuddled. Their love for one another was perhaps typical of twins, but internally the flames of something more was growing in their hearts. Something that by modern standards was quite immoral.

Awakening & Mentorship

When Inarus and Anat became fourteen, Anat made the first move to fix the unsettling conflict between them. It was something their parents were either incognizant of, or silently accepting in spite of its perverted nature (they assumed it was the former). Anat volunteered to be sent away to a distant teacher for mystickal tutelage, for she was Awakening. Inarus stayed at home and he met his parents’ expectations not long after. His mother, Mafuane, gave him a special tome written in hieroglyphs to translate, read, and interpret.

Inarus avidly perused the ancient book’s contents. Googling over this rare book made of bound papyrus leaves, he soon unraveled the text. He learned that the book detailed the history of Khem. The story was curiously written from past to present, when most histories begin in antiquity and lead to the modern era. This caught Inarus’ attention the most. Was their a reason it was written in this manner? And indeed, how did the ancient scholars even know what the future would hold? The tome was dated, after all -- it was no fraud. The book was the work of terrifyingly accurate oracles. Accepting the fact that it was real made Inarus realize: the past and present were intertwined. Neither was more real than the other. It was all the same time and place, just different events. The past, present, and future were all part of Eternity. None of it changed, he understood: only the will of great minds could understand and guide the world’s destiny to truth. Knowing that, he became aware of the textural presence and flow of sekhem in the land and air around him. He felt charged and more alive than ever. His eyes brightened -- he was Awakened.

With Inarus’ already great knowledge and blooming wisdom, it proved natural that his mother took him under wing. Inarus began to study in the apprenticeship of the Order of Hermes. Mafuane brought the youth everyday to the Third Library of Alexander, the base of knowledge and power for the House of Shae. Under his mother’s guidance and the amazing sciences set before him, his feelings for Anat were buried. Inarus was soon engulfed in the difficult and mentally strenuous Hermetic sciences, metaphysics, and rituals. He excelled in the Oracular Arts, magicks that these historians of the Hermetic Order prized greatly. Inarus also developed the Order’s staple magick in short time, and likewise demonstrated prudence in studying and dealing with Du’at -- the ghostly Underworld of Khem.

So his apprenticeship lasted six years, a shorter time than many in the Order of Hermes. But he learned a great deal and fast, showing the potential to become one of the greatest scholars of the Shae to ever live. His parents, Mufuane especially, were quite proud. On his twentieth birthday, Inarus underwent the mentally grueling test of all his Hermetic studies. He demonstrated full comprehension of the responsibility of ma’at in his all answers and equations. Though as sorely tested as any apprentice would be, Inarus passed the test with flying colors. He was awarded the diploma of Philogus Quintus (Fifth Level Scholar) and he graduated from his apprenticeship with his mother’s blessing. Inarus was free to pursue his own Path from then on.

Early Years

Inarus began his new life with a job in Cairo. Working among Sleepers, he became a librarian in an esteemed bibliotheca. He boasted a degree in History of Western Civilization (House Shae’s arrangement and award). And Inarus also chose to move out of his parents’ home, leasing his own apartment elsewhere in the city. But he often visited with his father and mother, both of whom he loved. And from they he learned of Anat’s current whereabouts. She, too, graduated from her mystick apprenticeship not long past, and now worked as a translator. Though curious about how matters stood between he and his twin, he kept his nose to the pavement. He buckled down and read and studied hard. He was not even really concerned when his parents finally moved out of Cairo. After an explosive chain of events involving Muslim extremists, the two mages decided to leave the terror-torn country for the United States. Inarus remained.

While he spent much of his day reading, he also supplemented his life-style with a number of mystickal experiments and investigations. Through rituals learned during his apprenticeship, Inarus made contacts with spirits of the dead. He simply spoke with these ghosts, exchanging knowledge and occasional minor favors. He also toyed with his elemental power, experimenting with telekinetic power. During the day, he would sometimes lift books to the highest shelves with the power of his mind and secret command of the ancient First Tongue, Enochian. Inarus even learned how to levitate himself in pools of water (he practiced in the bath), to “walk on water” like Jesus Christ and other biblical entities did. And the young mage explored the past, present, and future with his scrying spells on an almost daily basis.

Though all of these spells sounded reckless, Inarus was not really making a big deal out of any of it. In truth, he had no real ambition to do anything but read and increase his knowledge. Inarus was not sure what his own future had in store, but he wanted it to involve the love of his life: reading and learning. He was not a hero and had no desire to become one. This was compounded with an accident in the market. While shopping for fresh fruit, daydreaming on a fanciful book he read earlier, a driver lost control of his car and plowed through the market. Inarus was soundly sideswiped, and his leg leg never fully recovered. But he thanked the gods for health insurance. Finally, Inarus did not even have much contact with his parents but through mail. As for Anat, he had not seen his twin since their Awakenings ten years now past.

Recent Years

Then in 2002, on his 24th birthday, Anat showed up at his door. Overwhelmed by the surprise visit, and the beauty of his sister’s maturity, the two embraced and he welcomed her into his home. They updated one another on the past decade. Inarus learned that Anat spent several years in a non-definitive order of mystickal study, but was quite happy with what she knew. Indeed, she was quite bright, and a natural linguist. Discovering that her brother had no life, she took him out for dinner and dancing. Inarus didn’t mind at all. Old feelings he thought were suppressed bubbled up from deep inside. He found himself irrevocably attracted to her, and she was to him, despite the forbidden nature of their incestuous lust.

In fact, the twins joined that very night. They confided their long-suppressed love for one another, and they fell into a deep embrace. They made love that night and their sibling relationship blossomed suddenly into a secreted love between man and woman. Inarus abandoned his apartment and moved into their parents’ home, which Anat occupied while visiting her homeland. And every day and night after that re-acquaintance, the twins felt more connected than ever. They remained close to one another almost always. Inarus stayed in Cairo, tending to his librarian jobs while continuing to pursue his studies. Indeed, by the end of 2002, Inarus achieved Philogus Quartus (Fourth Level Scholar). Anat often stayed with him, leaving only occasionally for brief trips back to the States. But they always remained together over long distances by their hearts and souls, completing one another.

For Inarus found purpose in life at last, in loving his sister. Yet he could not help but wonder if it was right, or even enough. As if their rekindled love had turned a light bulb on in Inarus’ head, he began to fear stagnation. He was bored with Egypt. Discussing the matter with Anat, they decided to both relocate their permanent home to America. They broadcast their resumes to various academic institutions. The twins both secured jobs at Kansas City University. Inarus and Anat moved to this Midwest city, founding a new life together there. The pair even joined the local Tradition chantry, both exposed to a number of different kinds of mages for the first time. They could not help but wonder if life would hold more in store for them than it had revealed so far. And Inarus could not help but wonder if their passionate, secret love was right or wrong. But he embraced his heart as he once embraced his mind. The consequences of his thoughts and feelings were his and always his -- that was ma’at and Inarus was at peace in this penitence.

Significant Other

Though forbidden and ill advised by modern standards, the twins are madly in love. They always have been, it seems. They keep their romance a secret from the world and their parents. As for marriage and children: the former would have to be secret and the latter unwise until they develop Life magicks advanced enough to insure healthy conception. So, for now, the twins simply bask in each other's adorations. Now that they've returned to each other's sides, there is no separating them ever again.


Too Smart

"Too smart for his own good" can apply to Inarus Shaw. He knows much and learns more everyday, for the man is incredibly intelligent and intellectually active. However, he may start to poke his nose into the affairs of things that bite noses off. Or, he may just learn something that drives him mad.

Likelihood of Corruption


Knowledge is power, they say, and power corrupts. In Inarus' case, it's more likely that the source of knowledge would try to corrupt Inarus rather than the power itself. With his dealings with the dead and other spirits, he risks much. But he is wise and cautious, and his prudence may sustain him.


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