Eveleen Cilian bani Diedne

Ex Miscellanea
Advanced Adept of the Tourmalae Chantry


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Medium simple red
Clothing: Blue or green casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Gorgeous young Irish woman that exudes pure and irresistible desire
Supernatural Qualities: She's a sneaky doner who readily fades out of view
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (beautiful); Style 2; Arcane 3; Animal Magnetism

"Blood, spit, cum--give it all to me, and I will give you back the world."


Date of Birth: April 4th, 1973
Home: Westport, County Mayo, Ireland
Family: Rhys and Ellen Cilian (parents), Ruairí (older brother)
The Awakening: Preordainment (blue-collar family, she drifted her youth lost in Celtic myth; as a teen, she finally ran off to explore the island and mythology; she found the actual fae when she stumbled across Sidhe revelry, and inspired by their magic and whimsy, was inspired to Awaken; still a raw new mage, she lingered around the fae who found the Prodigal amusing, she delved into the faerie mounds, growing more chthonic; eventually, mages were called to fetch the young woman, and Merinita tried to take her apprenticeship but Diedne traced her heritage instead), 1989
Mentor: Harvey MacNaughton
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she studied ancient druidism with the Diedne in Ireland, growing bloodier and darker, yet studying harder and experimenting more with various sorts of sacrifice, proving her prowess and talent not only for magick but the Diedne traditions, graduated as a scion of that rare near-extinct House)
Comrades: Harvey Magnaughton, Fiadh Quinelly, Aoibheann Farley, Borden Brock
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (Evie began celestial studies with keen interest, connecting to ancient druid lore, and her theories and genius even gained her access to the observatories of Doisstep)
Key Event #2: Treachery (her research returned her to Ireland and her faerie friends, but a trago of satyrs took umbrage at her Prodigal "conceits"--that is, she resisted their attempts to seduce her as well as the cavalier manner she was inspecting Kithain artifacts like the mounds and stone rings--a fierce display of raw power dissuaded most of the fauns from harassing her, but their leader, a Sidhe errant-knight named William Dawton, kept at it, stalking her as much as he could over the years)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (as her preliminary research neared its completion, she began to put together master-plans for Junctures to gather massive amounts of Quintessence, which could force an alteration of global Consensus through sheer power, crushing the Paradox itself)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (the next steps in her plan required her to make the Juncture connections world-wide in person, and she began to travel the Earth, hiring a Blackcap bodyguard to help her eventually eliminate old Billy Dawton while putting her chthonic plan together piece by piece)

Conradh Bláthanna (Sanctum)

Location: Moose River Plains, New York, United States
Structure: Wilderness Den
Stock: In a forest upstate from New York City; "fairy ring" of geodes arranged in a celestial fashion; trees have bent to form a natural pergola roof; wild-growing lobelia, milkweed, violets cover the mossy floor
Traits: Arcane 3

Significant Other

Name: Borden Brock, 2005
Nature: Erotic


Bloody Hell

A reckoning of the ancient pagans is long overdue. But Evie doesn't pursue her quest out of revenge but re-empowerment. She's focused on it to the exclusion of all other research or goals. And yet, it's a long shot. While she may have the talent and wherewithal to complete it and change the world, the world may change before she's ready. Evie may simply be out of time.

Likelihood of Corruption


Eveleen is chthonic, not evil. She'd gleefully slit a Nephandi mage's throat while sparing her "fellow" Tradition mages. And she's too primal for evil spirits to dare possess her--but they may try anyway.


More Evie

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Chantries That Never Sleep

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