Gideon Chase bani Glazer

Order of Hermes
Senior of Vox Tonitrui
Scion of House Glazer
Savant of House Flambeau
Adept of the Crossroads Chantry


~Ice incarnate, Gideon Chase embodies all that is cool and professional in today's elite. This thirty-ish African-American wears tailored suits of fine brands and conservative colors. The man appears well-groomed and mannered in every fashion, from his suede shoes to his short, sharp hair cut. Gideon keeps his chocolate-smooth skin unblemished. His steps encompass a confident swagger and a proud, well-defined stature. Gideon clearly works out for his clothes do not reveal any fat ripples or shapeless bulges. He sweeps the scenery with light brown eyes. That gaze seems cold and deep like an ancient lake of still water. A well-trimmed mustache and goatee envelope an exiguous smile that doesn't even reach the man's icy eyes. Intent and inexorable, Gideon draws closer to a crystalline destiny everyday.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Arcane 2

"Chill or be chilled."



Strong in body and mind: it seemed a rare thing in this world when such a person was born. In December of 1972, Gideon Chase was born with this underrated legacy established in spirit. But the intellectual upbringing from which he benefited insured that he would at least be strong in mind as he grew up. His father, Isiah, was a university professor at Chicago State, teaching physics and related sciences. His mother, Angela, stayed at home to care for Gideon and his two older brothers, Terrance and Colin. They weren't too much older than Gideon and the young man grew up with another benefit: rugged roughhousing with two bigger fellows. That helped him grow stronger and more tenacious. His father raked in money and made sure his sons were sharp in academics. His mother made sure the boys went to church and knew decency.

And Gideon reflected this sturdy upbringing when he went to school. There he maxed out all his academic programs, particularly science courses. But he loved recess, too, especially in the winter after it snowed. Gideon always adored a good snowball battle. He loved to build snow castles and bombard his schoolmates and friends and brothers. Indeed, anytime Gideon looked out the window and saw the first snow of the day or season, he felt chills go down his spine. It always felt like the frozen precipitation was calling to him. More unusually, albeit not too noticeably, Gideon's frozen refreshments -- ice cream, soda with ice in the glass, and the like -- took at least twice as long to melt so long as he held the receptacle. That made Gideon wonder more than anyone else who was privy to that little quirk, most of whom brushed it off (as Sleepers often do). Gideon simply studied harder in his high school AP science classes.

Although he learned everything perfectly, the youth's mind began to wander philosophically. He found himself dragged into metaphysical discussions with some of his class geeks. They encouraged him to play Warlocks & Warlords. He only played a short while before getting bored. But the game did turn him onto numerology, which he did some curious research about and learned more. For fun, Gideon began to enter theoretical and numerological equations into his chemistry experiments at home. What was he trying to do? Gideon thought it would be fun if he made some mind-boggling discovery by turning water to ice despite the ambient temperature by manipulating the molecules of water so that they affected their own temperature.


Of course, it was a ridiculous notion. Gideon pursued it for fun…at first. But as he grew older, it became more of an obsession. Before he even graduated high school, Gideon spent all his time in his home lab experimenting relentlessly. Terry had gone to West Point and Colin went to university for journalism. So Gideon was on his own all the time anyway. But as silly as his thesis was, in 1989 he shocked himself silly…with success! Desperate and frustrated by constant failure, Gideon focused every ounce of will and intent on one last experiment before he swore he'd stop trying. And bam! With one last minor adjustment, it worked! The water froze despite the ambient temperature of 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). Gideon just stumbled back in shock, and he suffered a white-out (instead of black-out). The seventeen year old witnessed another world, another time -- his Avatar's primordial nature was Awakened and revealed. And despite the lifeless, beleaguered Ice Age that he saw, Gideon yearned for its pristine, radiant beauty. Deep inside, he wanted it, needed it!

Meanwhile, the flare-up of Quintessence that resulted from his Awakening attracted members of a local chantry -- the Endless Spire. Zachary Blue (bani Flambeau) was dispatched to investigate the Chase house. He approached and claimed to be a scout for a gifted school. Once he and Gideon could speak in private, however, he laid it all out. Gideon learned that he was Awakened, commonly known as a mage, but in reality a worker of raw will and temper of true sciences. Gideon heard about the enemies of the Awakened, particularly Nephandi and Technocratic agents -- diabolists and Big Brothers, respectively. Yet the young man felt fascinated, not frightened, and listened to all that Zachary offered. Soon, arrangements were made for Gideon to leave high school early and move away from home. His parents figured he was being recruited for a gifted school and were quite pleased. Gideon knew his true education lay with the Endless Spire or even beyond.

House Glazer

For the first year, Gideon did indeed spend his time in the Endless Spire. He was apprenticed to Zachary Blue. Under the Flambeau's tutelage, he learned the basics of an Awakened life. He knew there would be much to look out for, many risks to boldly take, but the rewards would be greater than any Sleeper could know. He felt proud that he was being inducted into the Order of Hermes, too, a Tradition rich and wealthy with honor, glory, and heritage. His time at Endless Spire paused, however, when his penchant for elemental ice spells was certified. So the youth, only barely a legal adult now, was sent away from the Endless Spire and the United States. He was sent to Reykjavik, to the Fireclouds Chantry, which was renowned for its mastery of ice magicks and the home of House Glazer (subheaded under Flambeau).

While most of the mages at Fireclouds spoke Icelandic and other languages besides English, Gideon was apprenticed to Pall Entik (bani Glazer) who did speak English. Under Pall's merciless tutelage, Gideon learned hard lessons of magickal might and mishap. One of the first things he discovered was his own True Name: Nellon. Awareness of his True Name and the power it represented lifted him a step in enlightenment. He strove hard to comprehend all the metaphysical mysteries with which he was presented. Gideon found he possessed a shrewd mind for anything related to science. In fact, he decided he wanted to finish mundane schooling and acquire a master's or doctorate in a scientific discipline. But Pall encouraged Gideon to at least finish his apprenticeship first. Over the next three years, Gideon did his best to master courses in sacred geometry, numerology, ancient rituals and symbols, and metaphysical chemistry. And of course Gideon learned to read, write, and speak Enochian -- the First Tongue. Its primal vitality held many mysteries and magickal prowess, and when he realized this in 1993, once more Gideon's mind was elevated to a level beyond beginning apprentice.

Finally, in 1994, Gideon's final test to prove his value to the House and Tradition was administered. The chantry's spies discovered that the Technocracy was intending to reroute an underground lava floe to pass its own base's reservoirs. Unfortunately, the lava floes under Iceland were more than just thermal power. They also included powerful Nodes and ley lines, and the Technocracy intended to thieve some of that Quintessence for themselves. Gideon wasn't expected to stop them in this task, just delay them long enough to allow the more experienced mages to seal off the flow. Gideon was given a bit of intelligence before he headed out on this quest. There was only one entrance to the underground chamber to monitor or affect the floe. It was out in the frozen plains beyond the city. The entrance was currently guarded by a crack team of (unAwakened) agents driven in by snow cats.

Armed with that knowledge, Gideon set out the next day to the plains with only a few spells and few weapons. The young Hermetic employed his elemental powers to bend light and become all but invisible. He found the team just as mentioned. With another spell summoned by ancient symbol and raw will, the future Glazer dropped the temperature lower and lower. Soon, the guards' personal heating devices were overwhelmed as the temperature dropped below freezing. They hurried through the gate in the cavern wall and inside for a moment of heat. Gideon took that opportunity to blast the snow cats with bolts of raw ice-power, sabotaging their vehicles.

Of course, the troops rushed back out to investigate, but Gideon stayed unnoticed to all sensors. A minor spell of distraction sent tiny stones tumbling down the side of the cavern, distracting the remaining guard briefly. Gideon slipped past him into the chamber itself. The lone scientist was tazered before he could raise a warning cry. Gideon then channeled all the mystickal might he had, and the nearby river of lava began to steam up as he joined ice with molten rock. Huge clouds of steam began to fill the chamber and the lava floe slowed down just a tiny bit -- negligible effect, really -- but it was enough. It was enough time to temporarily thwart the Technocracy's plans and for Gideon's masters back at Fireclouds to finish their warding spells. The guards came rushing back inside, but Gideon was well-masked behind the steam clouds and his magickal camouflage. He slipped back out and ran home as fast as he could while the agents counted their losses. He was victorious! In formal ceremony, Gideon was accorded full Hermetic status, and draped in laurels of House Glazer.

Endless Spires, Storming Souls

But Gideon wanted now to return to his hometown, the Windy City. He traveled back to Chicago and visited with his parents, who were glad to see him and his progress. They were even more pleased when he announced his desire to further his conventional education. Gideon acquired his GED easily and began to go to Illinois State University of Chicago in search of a doctorate in physics. He knew it would take him several years despite his intelligence. Gideon wasn't worried about funding, however. He qualified for a number of grants and scholarships. And, through a little Enochian alchemy, Gideon invested wisely in the gold market and financial aid ceased to be a concern soon after.

Once Gideon got started with his education, however, he had little time for socialization any longer. Even his parents saw little of the young man. Although, Gideon did rejoin the Endless Spire Chantry. He associated with fellow Hermetic mages, including his old mentor, Zachary Blue bani Flambeau. In fact, he joined a cabal of such willworkers. The cabal was called the Storming Souls and included Zachary, too. Other members included Richard Rowe bani Quaesitor (the default leader), young Quillan Sloane bani Merinita (the nature freak), Philip Tanner bani Fortunea (the default treasurer), and Marcia Tanner bani Verditius (the default tech-master). Zachary and Gideon were the cabal's strong arms.

The Storming Souls were in a unique position in Chicago, for they were the most powerful cabal of magi in the chantry and town. But that kind of power always meant they had to deal with the most difficult problems and enemies. In 1997, Richard discovered a potential Hermetic apprentice who was on the verge of Awakening. He notified the chantry and had the go ahead to approach the boy. But tragedy struck: the vampires of House Tremere, who had recently suffered intense losses at the hands of Lupines (werewolves), decided to replenish their losses. These Massassa often chose those interested in the occult or those who demonstrated aptitudes for magic. They gobbled up that potentate right from under Richard's nose. Outraged, the Quaesitor called upon his cabalmates. The Storming Souls tracked the Tremere's unmasked Resonance back to their lair and cleaned house. The blood magicians were simply outgunned, outmatched. It was not a difficult battle, Gideon found, though it was still a tragedy they failed to prevent. Several Kindred died that night, along with a future Hermetic.

Then in 1998, Gideon became a teacher as well. He accepted Carter Powell, a budding Hermetic sent up from Kansas City, as student. The boy was smart and eager. He was allowed to truck along with Gideon and Storming Souls in their various ventures. Carter traveled back to Kansas City once a season, however, to visit his family. Three times, Gideon accompanied him. He met the boy's family, including young Hannah, and Gideon was introduced as Carter's 'gifted & talented' tutor. He became more of a father figure for Carter when the boy's parents died in an accident in 2000.

Ascension War

Later, from 1999 to 2000, the cabal faced a different and more dangerous sort of problem. The Syndicate branch of the Technocracy seized much of the Phil's assets by liquidating his overseas accounts. The Fortunea tried to recover by investing in revitalized real estate in a rundown part of town. But arsonists dispatched by the Technocracy proved that the Union wasn't just trying to make money, it was trying to bankrupt Phil. So he reinvested in other real estate. And this time, the Storming Souls camped out near the sites to guard them from mischief. Over the next year, a game of hit'n'miss occurred between the Hermetics and the Syndicate's criminal agents. The occasional streak of violence attracted the cops, complicating matters further. Gideon grew impatient, suggesting they strike back harder and take the battle to the vandals' secret masters. But Richard warned him that patience and discretion would save the day and keep him alive longer. The older Flambeau, Zachary, agreed, and Gideon relented. Finally, the game became too costly to bother with for the Syndicate, and the attacks just stopped. Phil was able to capitalize on his investments.

And Gideon had something to think about. He pondered hard about the future, his future. And he realized life was too short to squander and throw away on blind gambles and mindless violence. Gideon wanted to live, not search for death, but he accepted that he might indeed die. He was Glazer, a House that honored the same concepts as the Flambeau, and he didn't fear death anymore. He just had no desire to invite it. With that recognition, once more Gideon recognized that he was maturing in the Arts as well as life.

When 2001 rolled around, things remained quiet on the front. But trouble brewed within the Endless Spires Chantry. A cabal of Hollow Ones began to make trouble for the Storming Souls. Citing the conflict with the Syndicate, the Hollowers ran a smear campaign against the Hermetics by framing them for murders they didn't do, invoking occasions of spirit and ghost trauma, and repeated violations of the Rule of Shade by overtly blatant vulgar magicks. Richard counter-investigated while the Endless Spires looked into the accusations. Of course, the Hollowers simply wanted more influence in the chantry for themselves, as always feeling left out and under-represented. But Richard got to the bottom of it all, scrying (spying) on the Hollowers where they least expected it, and discovering enough suspicious evidence to decry their accusations. And to end the conflict, Gideon challenged the suspected deceivers to Certámen. Betsy Bop, the Crayon Man, and Stithe Ramble all fell (non-lethally) in this formal duel to the shrewd, swift, and powerful Glazer. The Hollow One conflict was resolved in equal parts wisdom and violence.

Shadow War

The next year, Gideon graduated Carter from his apprenticeship. The young man had learned all he could and already proved himself for a final test. Carter helped during the campaign against the Syndicate and that was brave enough. Carter returned to Kansas City and just in time. The Storming Souls were faced with their most dangerous and deadly confrontation yet. A scheming group of Nephandi slunk out from under their rocks and ignited a shadow war by brutally assassinating poor Philip Tanner. They tried to frame the Technocracy by posing as agents, but the Hermetics penetrated the illusions during their investigation of the bloody scene in Phil's home. Outraged (especially his wife, Marcia), the Storming Souls felt frustrated by lack of a target. Richard advised them all to be extra careful. Sadly, Zachary Blue was killed next. However, the old Flambeau didn't go down so quietly. He went out with a bang -- invoking enough vulgar magick to clean sweep every dark-clothed assassin that leaped from the shadows at him on his habitual walk home from the coffeehouse. The Technocracy investigated the site, of course, but it was futile: there was nothing left to examine.

But now the Storming Souls were furious. In 2003, the Nephandi made a mystickal bid to harness and thereby steal the Node from under the chantry's nose. They could feel the diabolic power behind the magick and everyone -- not just the Hermetics -- worked to cut that power short. Gideon and his cabal tracked the source of the power down before it could vanish and they were led into the sewers. Marcia armed them well. The cabal stormed the sewer lair of their Nephandi foes, crossing paths with demons, Sleepers driven into psychotic waking nightmares, and of course the dark mages themselves. They negotiated planned cave-ins, deadly gas line explosions, and cunning illusions that nearly sent them dropping into deep pits. But they destroyed everything in their path. They finally clashed with the Nephandi Master, flanked by two Disciples. The battle was awesome and thankfully muted so deep underground. When it was all over, everyone but Gideon and Quillan were dead. Marcia and Richard both fell to the Nephandi's cruel Entropy, while the Nephandi -- even the Master -- were creamed by the Hermetics' raw elemental might. The two survivors (who were hardly unscathed) returned to the surface and their chantry. The Storming Souls were victorious but the cabal was shattered.

Yet Gideon had little time to recover. Not even a year later, he received terrible news from Hermetic colleagues in Kansas City. Carter Powell was dead, murdered by Infernalists who may or may not have been linked to the Nephandi the Storming Souls fought. Hungering for revenge, the Glazer left the Endless Spires Chantry and said good-bye to his hometown. He acquired a new job as a professor of physical science at Kansas City University. Gideon also joined the Crossroads Chantry there in town. He moved to Kansas City and adopted Hannah who now had no family. Gideon set himself up for a new chapter in his life: one he hoped would not be more violent than the last. While he had little hope for that possibility, Gideon knew hope was his only real pillar now. A Glazer (Flambeau) warrior without hope was a dead warrior.

Significant Other

Gideon once instructed Carter Powell in the mystickal Arts. Once the tutelage was done, they parted ways. But tragedy struck when a cult of Infernalists captured and murdered young Carter. He returned to Kansas City in late 2004 to investigate and avenge his pupil's death. In the process, he reacquainted Carter's baby sister, Hannah. At first, Gideon decided to become Hannah's caretaker. The teen was almost old enough to see to her own needs but Gideon felt responsibility for her nonetheless. But as time passed, they found themselves attracted to one another. Gideon fell to the temptations the fresh girl presented and seduced Hannah -- or did she seduce him? He's still not sure. Now they offer comfort and pleasure to each other while driving towards the same goal: seeing justice done for Carter's death. A future together beyond that is still up in the air, far above the cloud on which they languish.

But injustice struck first! In 2008, young Hannah was kidnapped by the same Nephandic cult. Frigid fury drove Gideon to search for, or at least avenge, his dear ward. But there was no need: she returned to him freely, yet...changed. She even altered her name to the more biblical version of her given name, to Chana. They had corrupted her human soul, bestowing dark and destructive powers. She pleaded with Gideon to help her, guide her, and keep her from falling into Nephandic ways. He agreed, and they fight together still.


Thin Ice

Everybody walks on thin ice for this testy Glazer. His judgmental and aggressive ways can alienate those who might otherwise be friends and allies.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though ambitious and powerhungry like any good Hermetic, he's not a selfish or villainous man. Nor is Gideon careless in his magickal activities.


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