Jade LeMoine

also known as "Jaden"

Cult of Venus
Cult of Ecstasy
Traveler of the Delphic Vestige
Oracle of the Mao'lung Fragments


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 129 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black or white clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Light make-up, unflappable expression, oozing sex appeal
Supernatural Qualities: Unnoticeable until she stands forward; intoxicating incense-like scent around her at all times
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (provocative); Arcane 4; Echoes (2)

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 197 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short simple brown
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Unflappable expression
Supernatural Qualities: Unnoticeable until he stands forward; intoxicating incense-like scent around him at all times
Accoutrements: none
Traits: Appearance 3; Arcane 4; Echoes (2)

"Nosce te ipsum, temet nosce."


Date of Birth: October 3rd, 377
Home: Caryae, Greece
Family: Alexios and Tryphosa Mylonia (parents); Chloe is her birth name
The Awakening: External Supernatural Trigger (oracle at Delphi subjected her to hallucinogenic and divine fumes)
Mentor: Medea
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (had to prove an encyclopedic knowledge of all forms of sorcery)
Comrades: Medea
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (studied with Medea, maintained lore at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, and befriended the Sphinx of Naxos)
Key Event #2: Personal Tragedy (fled from Christians who destroyed the temple utterly for paganism)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (moved to Alexandria, worked closely with Hypatia, salvaging the Great Library, and also joined Medea on various missions and quests such as finding and protecting mythic creatures)
Key Event #4: War (Hypatia murdered in the first witch-hunt ever, so she went into the desert and slaughtered the Nitrian monks responsible for instigating her death)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (Medea retreated from mortal realm, granted a gift of lonegevity through a piece of enchanted jade she pushes into Chloe's brain that kept her alive and transferred resulting Paradox to Medea herself; Medea charged her with not only keeping the old ways alive but pushing back against Christian conceits)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (moved to Constantinople, relishing lengthened mortal life, while secretly patronizing the pagan historian Zosimus)
Key Event #7: Treachery (rise of Islam shadowed paganism entirely, premising her attempts to urge both religions against each other for many years like a game of chess played against herself; often did so in disguise, offering persuasive advice, manipulating lords and ladies and even supernatural rulers, particularly Kindred)
Key Event #8: Treachery (sponsored forging of Durendal, sword of pagan faith, but Medea stole it and gave it to Sir Roland; Jade stole it back after the Battle of Ronceveaux Pass, realizing her mentor had gone totally mad because no future vision supported offering Christian or Muslim forces any aid)
Key Event #9: Awe & Wonder (tires of the games in the West and begans to travel broadly over the world, learning all sorts of ecstatic magick from the valleys of India to the deserts of Morocco, especially on how to influence others even more subtly through their dreams or distant whispers)
Key Event #10: Treachery (settled in Paris and began a campaign to change the world slowly and subtly to fit the complex skein of fate her visions showed, influencing kings and generals through their sleep above all, and she fearlessly and untraceably manipulated their supernatural masters, too!)
Key Event #11: War (while visiting friends at Mistridge, the Craftmasons attacked, but she chose only to guide innocent mysticks out of the castle and harm's way, and thereby she declared her neutrality in this advent of the Ascension War)
Key Event #12: War (Medea returned to punish Jade directly, trying to tear the gift from her brain out, but she resisted and they went to war: Medea's mythic beasts against Jade's sleeper heroes, which tragically contributed to the end of wonders in this world -- helped bring about the Shattering)
Key Event #13: Awe & Wonder (the newly formed Nine Traditions invited her to the council but she rejected, and briefly denounced the conflict altogether before disappearing beyond the Tellurian, exploring the Void and Horizon, learning about and foiling all kinds of demons and dangerous entities)
Key Event #14: Awe & Wonder (upon her return, she began to explore the entire mortal world in various guises, following European explorers to East Asia, notably Ming China, expanding her lore)
Key Event #15: Awe & Wonder (her exploratory wanderlust continued, as she followed voyagers next to the New World, once more expanding her lore while making friends among the "Pure Lands" Hidden folk)
Key Event #16: Treachery (she settled in the New World, starting in New England, helping witches and heathens evade the Puritans while pretending to be a normal Sleeper, while studying ways to maintain her longevity without Medea's gift)
Key Event #17: Awe & Wonder (moved south and built a new Delphic temple overshadowing Pearl River that branched into the Horizon, and there she renewed her role as oracle, receiving and guiding only those heroes she deemed worthy)
Key Event #18: Treachery (per her vision, she urged the colonists to rebel and establish the United States to further the purpose of her ultimate and not-too-distant vision of the Endtimes)
Key Event #19: Awe & Wonder (continued to meditate on this zooming reality of apocalyptic revelation, staying out of the 20th-century world wars, seeing them only as terrible yet necessary evils -- the first boils of a larger disease that the world had to fight through)
Key Event #20: War (Medea returned in 1968! She tried to usher in a new mythic age, so once more Jade opposed her, this time mono e mono and without minions; the battle resulted in Medea's exile back into the Deep Umbra while Jade was knocked into a Quiet-like coma for decades)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (woke from coma where she had visions that now guide her to see the Mao'lung Contingency to its mysterious end and provide guidance in turn to her fellow Fragments)

Temple of Apollo at Pearl River (Sanctum)

Location: Pearl River, Louisiana
Structure: Otherworld (quasi-Horizon Realm styled after ancient Doric temples)
Stock: Doric pillars, tripod chair, natural ethylene-infused spring
Traits: Arcane 3; exists partially on the Horizon but mystically locked from that side

Significant Others

Names: Amaya Lamb, 2012; Esperanza Garcia, 2012; Kanika Tauaw, 2012; Gemma Calabrian, 2012; Alixel Xaqab'ic, 2012; Nekoko, 2012; Ric Carver, 2012
Nature: Companionship

Explore the Mao’lung further here.

The Mao'lung Fragments

Amaya..... Esperanza

Kanika..... Alixel

Gemma..... Nekoko


Pagan Rite

Jade rejects the modern world -- no, not technology per se, but modern Western thinking, which is deeply couched in Christian doctrine (which in turn was founded in corrupted Platonism). She knows the old ways of thinking were superior, which leaves her few allies in the end, even among the supernatural (most of whom are likewise inured in modern epistemology).

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

See that demon coming to corrupt Jade? She saw it. Years ago. And, ohhh! Into the trap she laid it falls.


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