Anthony Porter bani Jerbiton

Order of Hermes
House Ex Miscellanea
Initiate of the House of Spirits
Vice-Legate of the Wealth of Man


Height: 6'2"
Weight: 198 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short simple brown
Clothing: Black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A handsome, congenial, articulate, and well-spoken gentleman of tall stature and friendly demeanor, whose lies spill as easily his truths from a silver tongue
Supernatural Qualities: Despite his charms, he is often overlooked, though his fellow mysticks know him well and tend to think highly of his diplomatic skills;
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (dashing); Style 2; Arcane 1; Perfect Liar, Reputation

"Think it over, please. Your input is deeply respected, sir. It'd be for the best of everyone, truly."


Date of Birth: September 28th, 1981
Home: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Family: Jeremiah and Linda Porter (parents), Vale (younger brother)
Awakening: Preordainment (raised in a working class family but brilliant student, earning a full ride to the University of Pennsylvania and Rhodes scholarship; while studying abroad in Cambridge, England, diplomatic/international relations theory sparked his Awakened will with flashes of insight), 2002
Mentor: Saturio Math
The Test: Trial by Influence (the Order of Hermes kept watch on students like him and detected the flare of Wild Talent even when only sensory, and recruited him into the Tradition, beginning his "post-grad", "tertiary" education, during which he applied to House Jerbiton as seemingly the best fit, but first had to pass a number of tests akin to the doctoral exams, written and oral)
Comrades: Adara Zahabu, Median Comfort, Analia Specht, Kalyani Naidu, Arbasutanifu Ode
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (first major test for House was service back in the States; he was assigned to the Crossroads Chantry in Kansas City, officially helping the mages there cooperate with other mysticks in the area through diplomatic tact)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (after a few years of service there, he was then transferred radically to Durban, South Africa, there to perform the same role in an even tenser environment)
Transition: Reassignment (Tony admitted he felt more lost here, out of his depth almost, and he was grateful for the aid of fellow Hermetics, especially Adara)

Significant Other

Name: Adara Zahabu, 2008
Nature: Companionship


Art of the Deal

Tony has always been good at talking, at making friends, and at closing deals. He's so good by now that he too often enters into every situation with the assumption he can not only negotiate his way through it but to his advantage.

Likelihood of Corruption


Tony is not an immoral man, and he has enough sense to stay away from dark forces. But he's like most Jerbiton: better at talking the talk than walking the walk.


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