Radcliffe Dax

Son of Ether
APU 3rd Class
Disciple of the Clear Dawn Chantry
Student of the Quicksilvered Alidade


Normal: ~Action and adventure: that’s where it’s at, and that’s where Radcliffe Dax would be. At least, he would be if he didn’t have to be here right now. Rad will dress for the occasion at least. His attire ranges from jeans and a random t-shirt to slacks and a button-down dress shirt. Either way, he doesn’t look entirely comfortable in the clothing of “norms”. He runs his hand nervously through short auburn hair as he examines the scene with clear, cognitive blue eyes. Hmmm…nope! Nothing is amiss here. Moving on…~

OOC: Appearance 2; Arcane 1

Power Suit: ~Ready for battle: Rad Dax wears his APU suit proudly. Aside from the full-body armor adding a couple inches to his height, putting him at nearly six and a half feet, it bulks him up, too. The suit’s overall appearance startles the viewer with the thought that he’s some sort of alien. The coppery hue of the unknown alloy of the suit, which makes it both flexible and resilient (like a second skin), almost glistens like a steamy urban street at night. The suit appears to have no accoutrements like pouches or a holster for weapons: totally self-contained. Of course, attached to the gauntlet-like gloves, reaching back past the elbows, are extended ridges sharp as blades. Furthermore, the casing of the arms does look thicker than normal, implying weapons may be at hand. Most striking, of course, is Rad’s helmet. Matching the design of his arm blades, a single spike shoots up from the brow. The face mask lacks any sort of expression, adding to the APU’s inhuman look. The visors over Rad’s blue eyes glow yellow, but are as bright as a third eye-like sensor set right on his forehead. Tough and buff hypertechnology is at this young man’s fingertips. And he will not hesitate to use it, ‘cause it’s fun as hell!~

"Cat stuck in the tree, terrorists hijacking your plane, it's all the same to..."

"...RAD DAX the Great!"


Weird Scientist

When Radcliffe Dax was born in ’81 in Springfield, Illinois, no one had any idea he’d one day be responsible for saving the whole world from doom. To date, no one had any idea! But Rad knew even from a young age that he was destined for great things.

Take his annual science fair competition. Every year, he excelled at innovating something entirely different that no one had ever seen before. From miniature windmill-powered computers to crude robotic prosthetics (not bad for his age!), young Rad was a real Point Dexter.

So it was no wonder that Rad was accepted to MIT when he graduated from high school. He never arrived at that prestigious school though. A Son of Ether named Decklin Mape was scouting the state for potential recruits. Through his connections, he became aware of Rad’s ripe potential for scientific breakthrough.

A Son of Ether

On a bright August afternoon, Dr. Mape met Rad at the young man’s suburban home. His well-to-do if hands-off parents were delighted that a professional scientist was taking interest in their son and left them to it. Dr. Mape presented Rad with the Kitab al Alacir to gauge the youth’s reaction to this esoteric document on philosophy and the pursuit of scientific truth. Rad skimmed through much of the text and was clearly fascinated by some of the ancient schematics.

Indeed, the cogs in Rad’s brain were whirling and churning. Dr. Mape could almost see that spark of eureka lighten his eyes. Rad was Awakening! He was immediately taken under wing. His MIT scholarship was transferred to a personal tutorship (grant money) and the young Radcliffe Dax was soon studying the Etherite methodology in Chicago.

For four years, Rad faithfully mastered the rudiments of advanced sciences under the guidance of Decklin Mape. The senior Etherite handled Rad’s studies diligently, and the young apprentice soon graduated the entry-level program into the Tradition. During those fundamental studies, Rad learned about the Council of Nine and other elements of the Hidden World. Of course, examination of the elusive Ether energy dominated his time. His second moment of significant understanding came when he experienced with his human senses for the first time just what Ether felt like. He knew that energy was real and constituted every little object and person around him.

Mean Green Fighting Machine

And it was pursuit of this raw energy source, which modern Sleeper science rejected, that led Rad Dax to the next stage of his research. Rad’s research began to take shape on its own, much to Decklin’s delight. Rad demonstrated keen interest in the APU (Armored Personnel Unit) division of the Sons of Ether. This small but popular group often accompanied Ethernauts in the exploration of the worlds beyond.

But Rad’s interest was in this world and the possible applications of APU works here. Dr. Mape couldn’t help him much with that, so he directed the young man to an APU master in Des Moines, Iowa. Soon Rad was studying under the great Johannes Alberich Koffner. JAK, an acronym to which he answered, gladly took the clever young Rad to task. Rad’s schooling over three years here was not nearly so uneventful.

Firstly, JAK helped Rad build his own power suit APU. It was a personal life work, JAK explained -– something Rad would be developing forever. When Rad accepted this path as an APU warrior, he felt liberated, as if some great but artificial expectation had been lifted from his shoulders. JAK also showed Rad the ropes on how to handle himself in the suit.


And it was none too soon. The Technocratic Union sniffed out JAK’s laboratory and sent a kill team. The two Etherites were forced to abandon the lab with only their APUs. Unfortunately, they were outgunned and outnumbered. JAK demanded that Rad flee despite the youth’s zeal and (over-)confidence. JAK held the troops off while Rad literally took to the air and escaped. He never saw his mentor and friend again.

A saddened Rad returned to Dr. Mape. The more academic Etherite acknowledged that Radcliffe’s mastery of the fundamentals fully graduated the Initiate from training. He was a welcome addition to any Awakened faculty. While Rad was offered a place in the Chantry of the Endless Spire, he opted to carve out an independent path away from his former tutor. The Chantry of the Clear Dawn in Centropolis, Missouri, came highly recommended for a young turk like Rad Dax.


Conspicuity is an understatement of Rad’s entire scientific method. He’s overeager, overconfident, and overfitted. If Rad were given a choice between ignoring a fly on the wall and blowing it up with a death ray cannon, well, might as well sing that fly a dirge now.

Likelihood of Corruption


Rad will probably succumb to Paradox long before any form of corruption gets close to him.


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