Jun Ng

Mother of the Ka'a
Master of the Cult of Ecstasy
Activist of the Children's Crusade
Kin of the Emerald Heaven Wallow
Soothsayer of the Court of Shooting Stars


~Raw, girlish, sensual beauty tugs the eyes of those in the vicinity who would find themselves almost irrevocably attracted. She appears to be in her late teens or early 20s at best, standing approximately 64 inches and weighing a bit less than twice that, in pounds. Her every classy-leather clad step is the sensual motion of a Tantrick dancer. Where the short boots end, long, smooth, and bare legs -- regardless of the weather -- begin, reaching a pair of high-riding denim shorts or the occasional mini-skirt. A skimpy tank top usually covers her slim torso. Bangles and rings adorn her arms and hands. Light make-up heightens her already mesmerizing, delicate features. A charming smile and hungry, needful brown eyes watch all around her, eyes that drift off into a dream at a moment's notice, pulling the viewer along. Wavy, silky black hair adorned with crimson highlights is typically permitted to hang free down her back. When she speaks, her voice the warm sound of an angel, she gives off an air of gentility and intoxicating happiness, making it difficult to disagree or otherwise fail to tolerate this gorgeous, young woman. Jun is obviously an independent woman, craving knowledge, love, happiness, and absolution.~

OOC: Appearance 5 (sensual); Style 3; fPure Breed (Zhong Lung) 3, Animal Magnetism, Spark of Life; Hanging Effect: Acceptance (** Mind, 5 successes strong, subtly influences others to better accept/tolerate her even when she makes all but the most tremendous social blunders)

"Get your eyes off my ass for one hot minute and take a look at the street and its filth...and tell me why our children are being exposed to it."



Tibet has long been held hostage by the People's Republic of China. Its residents treated as second class citizens, Communist soldiers planted everywhere to keep the people safe from their own foolish notions of independence. These safety measures at times included violence. The Ng, a small agricultural family in the village of Xiong Na, not far from the city of Zhongba, was made to suffer more than most. Jun's early childhood was spent simply, playing on her family's small piece of land, doing farm chores. She was a good daughter. Jun always had wondrous dreams and visions of great dragons. Her parents took that as a sign of good omens for their family. But then the political instrument was applied and severed her familial ties forever. Father and mother were executed secretly, her brothers shipped off to a coal refinery to later die from lung disease, and Jun herself sold into bondage. The remaining Ng learned quickly that public statements get you hurt. She was twelve years old then, and suffered all the humiliation her captors could accord. But she got free, and when they were drunk and careless, she escaped. It appeared her good fortune applied only to herself.

Awakening & Mentorship

Jun ran for days, never looking back, too distraught to think clearly as to where she might even go. And as she fled, tears blinding, the blurring images of the city and then the countryside revealed a different world than what she thought was. There were new colors around her and when she ran out of breath, she stared at all the writhing, twisting, breathing colors, until she lost consciousness. Then the dreams of dragons came anew, until there were five of them, each of one of the five cardinal colors. And then dragons changed, becoming maidens clad in the same colors. And they whispered to her: "Wake up, Jun".

And so she did. She found herself in the hidden Temple of Changes, headquarters of the Ka'a, a Tantric sect of the Cult of Ecstasy. Tucked away in the Himalayas, Jun began to learn about the Hidden World and the awareness and understanding that her Awakening had brought. Guided by the wise Seers of this Asian sect, namely a Master named Pei Mao, she developed her own oracular powers. As she matured, she was inducted into the more powerful rituals of the Ka'a. She learned the ways of herbs and potions, of Tantrick meditation, and ritual, ch'i-channeling sex. She became a productive and content member of her society. Jun spent many years living among her Ka'a sisters. Through their shifts in life-forces, Jun even mated with her Ka'a sisters, and has had four children (all girls) to date. All of her children were being raised today in the Temple of Changes. Jun also learned how to punish the imbalanced purveyors of Yang and Yin forces alike, from mild curses to life-draining "succubus" attacks. She helped her sect with their political agenda to free Tibet. And she made it a personal issue to watch over the children of this sacred nation.

Early Years

So it went for many years, over a decade. Then in 1998, her interest in children compelled her to travel out of Tibet to follow a lead of kidnapping. She found herself in Bangkok, and for the first time she met other Cultists of Ecstasy, namely of other sects such as the K'an Lu. She also met for the first time other mages from other Traditions, including a Celestial Chorister (whom she found to be too uptight) and a few Akashic Brothers (whom she found too dogmatic). Nevertheless, from these other chi'n ta, Jun learned of a cross-Traditions "Children's Crusade". It was an attempt to prevent and ease the suffering and abuse of children, perhaps the only sentient innocents in the world.

She registered herself with this group and to date receives occasional, informative correspondence. The letters she continued to receive were primarily updates in the Children's Crusades' success rather than leads to follow up on (that sort of information is kept out of the public loop!). And she took care to often return the mail to her Crusades contact back in Bangkok. For the next few years, she actively worked with the Children's Crusades within Tibet and abroad, especially Southeast Asia. Jun was spending less and less time at the Temple of Changes. Something drove her to helping children. Though she never killed any of the child-abusers or kidnappers she and her fellow crusaders encountered, she was witness to the occasional execution -- and did not feel too sorry for the passing.

Recent Years

When she at returned to the Temple of Changes in late 2000 after an especially long hiatus, her old sifu, Pei Mao, saw that Jun's Path must lead her out of Tibet and into the world, perhaps even to the West. Jun loved her home but her past haunted her still. Pei Mao knew Jun would not find her truths in Tibet alone. She was given permission to go abroad. The skilled mystick, welfare activist, and missing child detective now has come to the West. The American branches of the Triads and other organized crime factions have always made slavery their business, including child slavery. Now Jun is on the trail of these dark seeds of corruption. Questions plaguing her dreams may at last come to realization: dreams of dragons, of the earth itself, all rising in righteous retribution. She feels and has always felt this primal connection, and she has begun to get her answers. In the Court of Infinite Ages, a multi-shen agency, she has met with Zhong Lung. At last, she learned her heritage and birthright. She proudly takes her place therein. However, the children are the future. This much her oracle powers tell her, so nevermind anything else. Without the children, there is no future: "suffer no abuse".

Recently, Jun has begun to seek her true place among the Zhong Lung. Mating with a Middle Dragon Wanderer named Fa Shou Ling, she gave birth to her first boy child ever on the Autumn Equinox of 2002. The child is Trueborn as well, sure to grow into a strong and wise Sai Chau spiritualist. She named the child "Fa Liao Wang".

Although the Court of Infinite Ages ended and the more fragmented Coalition of Little Asia took its place, Jun keeps close to the Zhong Lung. Although she members the Court of Shooting Stars, she is still welcome among her people at the Pagoda and the Citadel of Emerald Heaven. In the chi'n ta Court, she put her incredible divination abilities to use. Yet she continues to head up the PPC (Protection Program for Children), her local front for the "Children's Crusade".

Good Samaritan

Jun is so wrapped up in helping children she neglects herself. Specifically, she neglects her own studies and magickal potential. In a dark world of abusive shen, to effectively help children she will need every ounce of mystick might available. It is quite a dilemma and she must learn how to balance her work with her study to become the best she can be.

Likelihood of Corruption


Jun is a good person but not that good. She is as susceptible to corruption as anyone else. Of course, seduction is the worst possible approach to the Ka'a. A demon would find itself fortunate not to be the seduced in such an occasion.


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