Summer Solas bani Merinita
The Summer Queen

Order of Hermes
Sidhe Kinain, Fiona-blooded
Ex Miscellanea of Verbo Caeli
Advanced Adept of the Tourmalae Chantry


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 131 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black and silver or white and gold promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Fantastically gorgeous woman of noble descent and imperious comportment
Supernatural Qualities: Even in a dark room or in the middle of the night, the sun always seems to be shining right behind her
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, including a fine crown
Traits: Appearance 5 (ageless); Style 4 (high fashion); Echoes (4)

"When the star flareth nearest to this Earth doth my crown glitter and my power rise. I am thy queen of fire and dreams."


Date of Birth: June 21st, 1940
Home: Campile, Leinster, Ireland
Family: Alfie and Tara MacQuillan (parents)
The Awakening: Preordainment (her parents were aware Kinain, some of the few lingering relatives of the Sidhe still remaining in the world since the Shattering; she was prophesied to be the great Merinita messiah, the Summer Queen, before she was even born; this may be why the Nazis, at the subtle behest of dark Fomorian forces behind the Germans, "accidentally" bombed the unused and incomplete Dunbrody Castle wherein the MacQuillans and Merinita mages dwelled; many would die, but she survived by being placed in a dream-stasis and sent into the Near Dreaming, where the fae looked after her--ever since she entered this state was she considered Awakened), 1940
Mentor: Fabht
The Test: Trial by Influence (faerie spirits--Inanimae and chimera more than Kithain, particularly one "fairy godmother"-like pixie named Fabht--reigned over the Near Dreaming where she was kept safe and raised, and she grew up there in this fantasy world, where she was treated like a princess, which she was! and in that part of the Dreaming, it was always daytime, a fantasy world that was her reality, and that summer was her only valid path, and the fae her truest friends)
Comrades: Fabht, Nessie, Keevs, Odhran, Tadhg High
Key Event #1: Treachery (over the years, the Fomorians sent minions, a reptilian race called the Sliders, alternatively to attack her dream self or persuade her of the folly of her supposed destiny, to poison her against the fae)
Key Event #2: War (the Resurgence of 1969 returned the Sidhe but also started war, and commoner thanes defended her sleeping body in the bowels of Dunbrody Keep against Unseelie Sidhe assassins; she should have woken up with re-opening of Arcadia but the Unseelie managed to at least levy a curse that kept her asleep, lost in her dreamworld fantasy life)
Key Event #3: Treachery (the Fomorians stopped sending Sliders and instead agents of House Balor showed up in the Dreaming to persuade her to never wake up, that the real banal world wasn't even worth it, but their persistance angered Summer and she lashed out with raw power in the Dreaming that drove them back and out and such that time for her and her pocket of the Dreaming hastened and brought her to the cusp of the Second Resurgence)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (Sidhe of House Beaumayn received her sudden wakefulness with joyful news and guided her across the ocean to High King David, prophesying her as the Summer Queen; David approved and ennobled the mortal faerie-mage--in an honorary state)
Transition: Shift in Nature (ahead of her near-future as Summer Queen, she occupied herself in isolation, assimilating to the real modern world, sleepy-eyed and missing the fantasy world in which she grew up, accepting Storm Winterson as her on-hand thane and connection to the banal world)


Crown of the Summer Queen
Appearance: A slim royal tiara of platinum and studded with glittering diamonds
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Charge her beauty with her Sidhe heritage; compel obedience from anyone not ranked a king or queen; absorb a small amount of Paradox
Activation: She must wear the crown without taking it off for at least 24 hours before it attunes and will work

Significant Other

Name: Storm Winterson; 2011
Nature: Companionship


Strange Women Lying in Ponds...

...distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Okay, actually, it's the main system of government for the Sidhe nobility and, by extension, all fae. But that's just them, not humanity.

Likelihood of Corruption


None dare approach the dazzling presence of the Summer Queen.


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