Savannah Colby bani Quaesitor

Adept of the Crossroads Chantry


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 148 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black or bronze business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Lovely and approachable woman just over the hill
Supernatural Qualities: Easily blends right into your kid's grade school faculty lounge; the Awakened, however, know her well as someone trustworthy and fair
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (luminous); Style 2; Arcane 4; Reputation

"Alright, class, turn to page 3 and read through to the end-of-chapter assessment while I speak with Dr. Chauncey."


Date of Birth: April 1st, 1971
Home: Berryville, Arkansas, United States
Family: Jeremy and Sandra Colby (parents), Kelly (younger brother), Paula (younger sister)
The Awakening: Preordainment (middle class household, excelled at academics always, had pre-college prep coursework that she did so well in that she graduated high school early; a 16-year old college freshman at Arkansas University, she was subjected to a Hermetic screening process along with other candidates, and only she demonstrated signs of "higher intellect", and so was drawn into the Hermetic program masquerading there and presented with more and more complex game theory problems--and she resolved them all with eloquent and ethical solutions), 1987
Mentor: Nathan Danielson
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she continued her college education, focusing on primary education in contrast to the dense and abstruse coursework the Quaesitor had her complete)
Comrades: Susan Minnce, Jim Lafferty, Miles Chauncey
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (after she finished college, she joined the Peace Corps and then Teaching For America, paying off student loans while starting her career among Sleepers and the potential Awakened; her Peace Corps year was spent in Ghana, while TFA put her in St. Louis, Missouri)
Key Event #2: Treachery (despite exposure to foreign and then urban cultures, she was still rather naive; she began to uncover potential Tradition mages over the years teaching elementary school-aged children, but the local Technocracy used her to identify them, and then they kidnapped them from right under her nose, and nothing she or other mysticks could do stopped this from happening a total of three times over the years of her tenure in St. Louis)
Key Event #3: Personal Tragedy (she called it quits on St. Louis, concerned the Tradition just wasn't offering enough support, and moved to Kansas City; she began to have more success with the stronger Hermetic presence here, identifying and "rescuing" two potential apprentices [one of which would even join the Order of Hermes], but also other supernatural beings--including a Pooka childling in the throes of Chrysalis; the child's father, also a Pooka faerie, was very grateful and they even dated a while, but then vanished with his son--and leaving Savannah pregnant)
Transition: Loss of Companions (she kept the child, a daughter she named Theodora, who likely had the potential to Awaken, but grew more defensive and insulated, though outreach by Judge Chauncey has helped restore her heart and hopes)

Chartered Hall (Sanctum)

Location: Handel House, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Apartment
Stock: An auxiliary wing to the Hermetic "claim" of the chantryhouse; filled with bookshelves and personalized custom touches denoting benchmarks of her life: a handmade mahogany carving of a child from the Asante people, a signed record by Bessie Smith; a portrait of a St. Bernard mysteriously entitled "Self-Portrait"; all furniture have Enochian glyphs etched into key corners and angles
Traits: Arcane 4

Significant Other

Name: Miles Chauncey; 2007
Nature: Romantic


Action vs. Reaction

Savannah's Path hinges upon reaction to and recognition of Wild Talent, ideally before it gets too wild. This means she always surrenders the initiative to other potential Awakened recruiting methods, whether it be piggy-backing Technocrat spies or the awful "shock-Awaken" tactics of the Nephandi. Both personally and for the greater good, Savannah's task is harder and less likely to succeed, albeit far more ethical and respectful.

Likelihood of Corruption


If for no other reason, no Quaesitor would dare going corrupt. Death would be preferable.


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