Verrel Bond

Magickal Style & Paradigm

Although new to magick, Verrel studied the beliefs and ways of the Cult of Ecstasy well. He knows that magick is really just passion unlocked from behind all barriers. He reaches into his own heart and sets the power free, expressing it with passion. Music is vital to the practice of his Arts. Music is something with which all people can identify. Those who really let themselves go, those who trust their own passions and release themselves to the passion, Awaken and channel the elements through their dreams and fingertips. And rock music can carry the messages he wants people to hear. Thus, Verrel chose the career of a rock singer and pursues it fervently.

Furthermore, Verrel learned that Quintessence and Paradox derive from opposing forces. Like Yin and Yang, Quintessence is the fuel of passions in the world and its people. The Awakened can learn how to view and manipulate it. Paradox is the force that manifests in contrast to the Awakened's ability to channel and control those primal energies. Paradox cannot be overcome, Verrel knows, but it can be wisely evaded.

Dancing is the key to unlocking the passion of Life! When Verrel moves his body, whether alone or with another, he feels the desire to move and be animated rise through him. He unleashes it without fear and hesitation to effect his body or others'. Dancing is an unnecessary foci for the Klubwerker.

The Mind is best connected through actual connection, Verrel learned. By kissing someone, he can gage or even change their emotions in so many different ways. Passion, especially the passion of those still Asleep, is easy to guide the way the mentalist wants. Whether a friendly embrace of greeting or a hot, erotic French kiss, Verrel can stir or even suppress the hearts of others. The young Cultist must kiss his subjects to affect them with this Art.

The Prime is the Quintessential heart of all the passion Verrel understands and seeks to unlock. To feel this universal energy, Verrel learned to open his thoughts through mind-expanding drugs. He learned to do so through recreational drugs like acid and X. He came to prefer X by far; it's potent enough to open his mind enough (Mary Jane was never quite enough), but with fewer after-effects (like flashbacks). Some argue that recreational drugs could never be good for magick. But they're just tools to stimulate his mind: a means to an end, not the end themselves! At this time, drugs are still necessary for Verrel's Prime magick.

At the heart of all his endeavors lies the Art of Time. To know the past and especially see the future is vital to this visionary young man. Verrel rejects the past, however. Whether it's true or false, the past is only a series of lessons to learn from. History is not meant to be dwelled on. And the present is the future being experienced. He's all too aware of time speeding by, his life trickling away, his Destiny growing closer to its finality. Thus, he lives on the edge, pushing himself to the max everyday. Knowing the pulse of Time demands that he truly unlock himself, that he let go of all delusions and vanities and fears. To do that, he joins his voice with the echoes of humanity: song. Verrel sings his heart out and in so doing becomes one with the passage of time. He can see the flow of time and one day he'll be able to slow it down, speed it up, stop it outright, and even travel along it. He's familiar enough with Time that he does not have to sing to affect this abstract element.


Verrel's Avatar takes no certain form. Instead, he hears music. He hears music and sees it, notes floating through his mind and dreams and visions and Seekings. The music all leads him onwards through an ever-twisting Path. What his Destiny may be, Verrel isn't sure. He know what he wants: to help Sleepers open their minds to more possibilities than they're fed by the powers-that-be. And he knows music is the key. Music is his tool and the language of passion and the hearts of all people: a voice they'll listen to before anything else.


Dynamic (Untamed)

Verrel is wild and crazy, a party-man through and through. He comes across a rock star rebel. Authority figures have little patience for him, assuming the worst qualities of musicians. He suffers a penalty of +3 difficulty to Social rolls with these persons. But it only adds to his "coolness" factors, and people looking for a good time feel that Verrel is the best party-man to chill out with. So he gains a -3 difficulty bonus to Social rolls pertaining to these kind of people.

Mystickally, Verrel suffers a +1 difficulty to rolls for Effects dealing with the certainties of the past. But spells dealing with the possibilities of the future gain a -1 difficulty bonus to rolls for such Effects.


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