Gideon Chase

Magickal Style & Paradigm

The end leads back to the beginning. What started in eons past will come to the same conclusive genesis. The Wheel of Fate and Fortune chugs onwards, however mired in corruption the enemies of existence (like Nephandi) try to make it. All meat puppets like human beings can do is learn all they can and gain from the wisdom they glean from reality's cold, hard facts. Of course, as everyone knows wisdom is not easily obtained. In fact, it's wrapped up in difficult puzzles and riddles that one must solve to understand life's greatest principles and truths. And as the Order of Hermes recognizes, only the Awakened can fathom the deepest and most arcane of the world's secrets.

And only those with the keenest intellect and strongest will can decipher the most difficult enigmas of eld. Gideon knows that many brands of Awakened exist with their own ways of practicing magick. Unfortunately, most of them don't bother digging beyond the tip of the iceberg. Their understanding of the arcane is so much more limited than the Hermetics like Gideon who test their limits and delve deeper into the Arts than any other willworkers. While some recognize the mathematical facts of reality, their attempts to explain them are pathetic and lost in weak, unimaginative equations.

Most of the world's arcane secrets are so profound that they can only be expressed through the first true language: not numbers, but Enochian and the most ancient, simple, and primordial of all esoteric symbols. Gideon studies the First Tongue, Enochian, with great fervency. Its written and spoken words all possess greater power than anyone outside the Tradition could possibly realize. Related sigils like the pentagram, seal of Solomon, and swastika are involved in his Arts. And so are the deceivingly simple geometrics like triangles and circles. Of course, knowing how these symbols work also demands perfection in form and essence. Only the purest and most perfect raw materials will work as well as an unmarred enactment of the reverent ritual of these mathematical designs of arcane lore will work. Like all Flambeau, Gideon believes in the "cleansing flame". Instead of fire in this ritual purification that requires great discipline and pain resistance, Gideon tests himself with ice that can freeze to the bone, as is traditional with House Glazer.

And all the world's elements that magick is designed to manipulate evolve from primal elements. Sleepers and even some Technocrats believe it only goes so far back as energy. But Gideon, like all Hermetics, know that Quintessence is the heart of all reality. Thus, to affect reality one must learn, understand, and even control the paths of Quintessence in the universe (ley lines) and the crossroads of that energy (Nodes). To Gideon, he sees Quintessence as an energy flow unlike that which forms the matter in the Tellurian, but it is still a tangible energy provided one knows its secrets. Unfortunately, even knowing the correct symbols, words, and equations can't always overcome a much simpler equation: consensual reality. What so many consciousnesses, as unAwakened as they may be, believe is what tends to hold true. If the whole world Awakened and accepted the theses and paradigm of the Order of Hermes, Gideon knows Paradox would not be a threat. But so long as people disagree over even the most trivial beliefs, he recognizes that such metaphysical conflict and contrast will always exist. He recognizes that he must simply find the wisest middle road between the doom of Paradox and the enlightenment of true magick. Gideon hopes that teaching the eager minds of young Sleepers will help him play his role in the Ascension War. Not that that will exact quick change in the world. Striking such a true balance simply demands time and experience, experience that may demand several lifetimes to accumulate. But Gideon is patient and accepts this as one of many cold, hard facts of reality.

Although, Gideon has amassed a decent amount of magickal lore to begin. The Glazer possesses skill in the Sphere of Correspondence for one. For Gideon, Correspondence is the study of space and distance -- or lack thereof -- and therefore it is tied directly to arcane geometrics. Circles and triangles and pentagrams and more all tie directly into his equations to determine the true distance between one feature or person and another. To figure these equations, Gideon must draw the root symbol of his current equation on the ground around or under the subject of his rote. But sidewalk chalk won't do (unless in a severe emergency!). As with all Hermetic magick, only perfect materials will do. Thus, Gideon uses diamond dust, and not industrial diamonds either -- jewel-quality, preferably unflawed. Diamonds contain the perfect raw elemental material for clarifying Correspondence. Correspondence is unfortunately an expensive Sphere for Gideon to enact and the symbols sprinkled in diamond dust are still necessary for this Sphere.

Far less pricey to practice is his Tradition and House specialty, Forces. However, it demands intense study and cautious training. For here Gideon wields the secret and ancient First Tongue, known as Enochian. The correct words uttered with the proper inflection harken back to humanity's first steps into civilization and the learning of the arcane. Such words hold gematriac power: numerological meaning behind the letters. When he pronounces them perfectly, the power of Naming the elements of the earth is at his disposal. Of course, due to his Avatar's essence, "ice magick" has always been Gideon's specialty, hence his membership in House Glazer. He's simply found that such elemental force responds to him better, like a natural knack. But he knows the secret words for the Patterns of all of the world's elemental forces. He just wields them with care. Not only does he risk life and limb should he mispronounce the words, but Paradox may smite him down if he threatens consensual reality. Fortunately, Gideon knows the words by heart by now. Spoken Enochian is not necessary for Forces.

The Sphere of Life is a complicated Pattern Art. Gideon breaks down this magick through arcane biochemistry. The essence of certain elemental compounds, especially that of gold and rubies, when mingled with certain liquid compounds like salt water or vinegar, can affect life in profound manners. Just throwing the compound together doesn't do it, of course, or any high school science nerd could pull off magickal rotes. No, no. The compounds must also be imbued with personal Resonance only the Awakened possess. That's why Gideon favors a single goblet crafted of pure gold. Certain holds were left in the cup's sides where fine red rubies were installed. The goblet is decorated with etchings of long-bodied dragons and tiny script -- mystickal sigils of Enochian power. This is the goblet Gideon had crafted when he first experimented in the Arts of Life and after several years it is now well-imbued with Gideon's personal essence. This focus is not necessary but it is unique.

For Gideon, the Sphere of Matter plays second fiddle to Forces. This alchemical Art deals with the states of elements. He does not deal with the states of elements so much as the raw control, direction, and diversion of such energies. Still it comes in handy to know how to affect physical materials directly instead of bearing forces down on them. To do this, Gideon inscribes the appropiate Enochian sigils correctly, much as with Prime (see below). But first he has to determine the proper formulae. Matter is slower work than Forces: Gideon still does the arcane math to enact these rotes. The formulae are not absolutely necessary, however: Gideon doesn't have to "show his work".

Still new to the Art of Mind, Gideon practices this Sphere primarily through symbolic means yet. He knows that the world of thought and mind can be explored like any otherworldly panorama. But he simply lacks the understanding and know-how to effect more than base and instinctual rotes. That includes warding his own mind through a simple Shield or feeling others' emotions through intuitive Pathos. Although even more esoteric than the Pattern magicks with which Gideon is largely trained, the Glazer knows arcane mathematics and geometry still play into this Sphere. For now, a pentacle works as a multi-use symbol to evoke his awareness of the Mind. Its arcane geometric design both encourages and discourages positive and negative mentalism respectively. So Gideon wears a pentacle necklace as protection and empowerment at all times. He had this necklace crafted for his work personally a few years ago when he first began to develop this Sphere. It is a small pentacle made of fine pewter, suspended from copper wire. On the back of the pentacle are inscribed a variety of Enochian sigils of mental empowerment, some of which he has not learned how to tap yet. For now, this pentacle charm is necessary and it shall probably always be unique.

Essential to Gideon's magickal practice, Prime denotes the Art of control of the most base Patterns of all: Quintessence. As a result, it is both the most rewarding and the most dangerous Sphere to wield for him. As with all his Pattern Arts, Enochian is the key to Prime's secrets. Gideon cannot utter the Enochian phrases for Prime. As with Matter, he must trace the phrases in their ancient written forms. The sigils are not placed on physical materials, as they are with Matter. Instead, Gideon traces them in the air -- where so much Quintessence flows unnoticed to the unAwakened, unschooled eye. He cannot do this too hastily, but he cannot do it too slowly either or the arcane connections between the symbols will be lost. Although in a pinch, he can just trace the symbols with his finger. But to do the Art justice -- and for his own safety -- he must use the classic "magic wand". Gideon's magic wand has never been a unique object, for his warlike Arts and wands' inherent fragility means he's gone through several over the years. But his wand should always be a straight, slender rod that extends from the tips of his fingers to his elbow. It must be made of the finest heartwood maple and carved delicately with Enochian symbols of the rawest magickal power. Finally, it must be tipped with a cap crafted to fit of fine silver. However, his magic wand is not necessary.


Great fields of ice span Gideon's inner consciousness during Revelations and dreams. Peaks of snow rise high and cutting winds rake through the area. His Avatar is a panorama of a lifeless Ice Age. The sun glares brightly down on the white world, glinting blindingly off of various features. Gideon knows that contained in these motes of light are all the cold, hard facts of reality. They are clues to existence, Ascension even, that he craves to know. "To know and survive" are essential elements to his core beliefs. His Primordial Avatar drives him to seeking wisdom while gifting him with raw elemental force: an excellent balance to his aggressive and sometimes warlike ways. Another contributing factor to Gideon's maintained harmony is a bad memory of a past incarnation. Gideon isn't sure how long ago it was -- it could have been millennia -- but he remembers once falling to a certain madness. This madness involved trying to use his icy Arts to bring an eternal winter to the earth, to bring "global Ascension" through the doom of another Ice Age. This incarnation died violently, of course. But it reminds Gideon to watch himself, even while haunting his sleep with nightmares of this forgotten aeon. Gideon is not sure where his Awakened Path will lead, but he's dead certain he will not repeat that grim doom. Wherever his Destiny leads him, Gideon suspects it will be to a bold battle's climatic finish.


Dynamic (Elemental)

Part of Gideon's mystical nature is how simple and primordial he seems. Gideon seems to encompass the fundamental energies of the universe and matter in its basest nature: raw form. This "primitive" face to the Hermetic makes he seem dangerous towards technology. Few would trust him at a computer terminal, afraid he'd short it out by hitting the wrong key. This inflicts a +3 difficulty on Social rolls where he must convince others to allow him near their technology or be involved with it in any fashion. This means Sons of Ether and Virtual Adepts won't want much to do with Gideon and the Technocracy may consider him more dangerous than other "superstitionists", whether it's true or not. Of course, on the flip side primitive peoples respect his primal nature and he gains a -3 difficulty on Social rolls involving these "Third World" folk.

When it comes to his Arts, Gideon gains a -1 difficulty to rolls for Effects that involve any of the four traditional elements except fire (see below for why). But he suffers a +1 difficulty when attempting any form of magick involving technology, even to try and short out or corrode circuitry. He could only destroy technology with magick by bringing external forces to bear. The realm of technomancy is virtually closed to Gideon.

Entropic (Lifeless)

Gideon seems dead and lifeless. Primordiality is the beginning of existence; in the beginning, there was no existence. It was just a barren reality and he seems to embody this. Consequently, Gideon comes across as callous and uncaring yet fearless of the future and hungry to fill the void. He suffers a +2 difficulty to Social rolls where he must seem compassionate and endearing. But when it comes to facing life's challenges, proving to others his courage is easier: -2 difficulty to such Social rolls.

Mystickally, Gideon has a harder time healing and restoring life: +1 difficulty to such Effects' rolls. But directly harming life and contributing to its deterioration comes easier for Gideon, subtracting -1 from the difficulty of such Effects' rolls.

Static (Frozen)

Gideon's inherent expertise with ice magic inflects his essence with a sense of that elemental force. He seems unchanging and chilly, brittle and predictable. In short, Gideon seems like a cold fish. So he suffers a +3 difficulty on Social rolls where he must befriend others. On the other hand, Gideon comes across as unshakably calm and professionally cool. In situations where he must impress his resolve and wit on others, he gains a -3 difficulty to such Effects' rolls.

The magickal Effect this particular Resonance on Gideon is quite peculiar and simple. He gains a -1 difficulty to rolls on ice-related Effects while suffering a +1 difficulty on rolls to fire. (The bonus to ice Effects is cumulative to his Dynamic Resonance's bonus, while the Dynamic Resonance bonus does not apply to fire Effects.)


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