Zev Arvind

Magickal Paradigm & Style

The human form was designed with infinite potential to do anything that a truly enlightened individual can imagine. Physically and mentally, there are no limits save within the spirit. Sadly, many souls are limited, and it is for a number of reasons. Those reasons often have purpose, but sometimes they exist as obstacles to overcome. God created mankind to develop and improve itself, both as a race and individuals, and there was never a final limit placed on humanity.

Over the eons, Tantrick mystics in the Far East have strived to unlock more and more of the human potential. The Vratyas sect in Nepal discovered more than most ever do. That unlocked potential came in the form of an enlightenment of the mind toward the implacable destiny of all things. But unlike the Euthanatoi, the Vratyas recognized the true eternal and forever changing and resetting nature of the Wheel of Fate. It did not end. Ever. Unless, of course, someone purposely tried. Demons and madmen attempt to do just that, and so the Vratyas turned their enlightened knowledge to the preservation of time. It is an amoral duty that the sect takes up, for time itself is neutral to the plight of man. But so it must remain.

To that ambiguous yet vital purpose, Zev is dedicated. Through the mystical and often extreme postures, forms, and accessory lore of Vratyas' unique take on Tantra, Zev seeks to nip any major threats to the Wheel of Ages in the bud. It's a generalized goal, and he approaches it as he does all things: with apparent detachment and casual lassitude. All answers, he believes, will be revealed in time only to the patient and attentive. One must simply be ready to make steep sacrifices at a moment’s notice. Living with a calm and relaxed nature is a must.

As the case often is with most chi'n ta, Zev recognizes the universal flow of energy as prana. Prana circulates throughout all forms and life, in this world and beyond, and only through precise Tantras can it be channeled, guided, and sacrificed. Conversely, disruption of those natural flows results in karmic backlashes many mages call Paradox. Zev tries to avoid such disruptive mysticism when he can. But the karmic debt of allowing harm to come to his ward simply to avoid a much more minor disruption is silly and unwise. To Zev, that would be the equivalent of releasing a serial killer from prison simply because one believes whole-heartedly in liberty. Perhaps because of Zev's cavalier disregard for the Consensus, or because of his hengeyokai heritage, prana seems to disrupt slightly around him all the time anyway. People occasionally find their breathing hastened in his presence, or find their sense of smell becomes unusually keen, or hear a distant clinking clatter like glass breaking.

Entropy is the Art of destiny, but it is a Sphere that tracks the beginning and end of fate. Zev does not accept that fate truly ends, so Entropy can only study apparent breaks in the otherwise perpetual motion of the Wheel of Ages. The Tantrick postures involved in this Sphere take on a definite ghastly and ascetic style. Because Entropy examines beginnings and ends, the prana circulating around these events is colored with the blood of birth and death. By shedding real, human blood, Zev effects a real alteration in nearby energies. This bloodletting is not necessary to Zev's Entropy Arts.

While human blood is connected to the breaking of fate, the human voice is connected to the prana that swims in the invisible energies of the world. With a well-pronounced OM, a fierce battle cry, or a quiet and meditative hum, Zev is able to easily tap into that flow and redirect it as he sees fit, into amazing and spectacular feats of legend. His voice is not necessary for Forces.

Meanwhile, the energy fields that connect and interact with all life do not vary. To make sense of those primal connections, one must simply understand how they interact. Animal life, including humans, are on a basic level no different than plants. To bridge the gap on a Tantrick level, Zev introduces special plants into the system. Brewing special teas and salves and consuming them allows the Ecstatic to affect life forms on multiple levels. Herbalism is not necessary for Zev's use of Life magick.

To Zev, Mind is not a Sphere of magick, but rather a state of being enlightened (or not). Through such mental empowerment, a person becomes more aware of himself and others. He grows increasingly familiar with the connections between people and their place in the universe, and along the Wheel of Ages. The past, present, and future are not temporal planes but rather states of mind. He can strengthen, weaken, and otherwise affect the mind through such advanced awareness and perceptions. By sharing such otherworldly knowledge with others, by whispering omens and predictions, he may wield such influence over the Mind. These whispered omens are still necessary for his use of Mind.

Prana is a basic yet complex form of universal energy. Even with all of his Tantric forms and meditation, Zev cannot easily comprehend and harness that power. To focus his often chaotic mind, he relies on a meaningful fetter given to him by his mentor during his initiation into the Vratyas. This pendant is strung from a golden chain and made of a flawlessly clear faceted diamond. Zev must meditate and focus on this pendant, peering through the diamond and how its facets refract reality, in order to harness prana to its maximum potential. To date, this pendant is both necessary and unique for Zev's Prime.

The tandava dance of Shiva the Destroyer helps Zev tap the potential avatar energy burning within his own breast. By connecting to that divine source, he is able to re-connect to the world of spirits on multiple levels. His ecstatic dance is still necessary for his Spirit Arts.

Finally, the Sphere of Time is his Tradition and sect's specialty. Emphasis on this open-ended element is what vastly distinguishes Vratyas from the Chakravanti. For Zev, Time is destiny, but it is a force without a beginning or end. Like Spirit, it is a force of divine nature. Thus, to best focus and reflect upon that energy, he engages in the tandava. However, Zev is Vratyas, and a permutation based on his martial arts training in silat kali turns his normal dance into a martial arts form. Precision technique employing the classic steel whip embody the circular motions marvelously, and animate and vivify his dance to a greater, more pronounced level of godliness. His steel whip forms are not necessary for this advanced Vratyas, however. His many years of training and experience make the forms second nature in his mind.


Tandava -- the sacred dance of Shiva the Creator and Shiva the Destroyer -- forever energizes Zev Arvind's mind. His mind is a constant state of motion: focused yet chaotic, creative and destructive. In many ways, he is indeed an avatar of God. What mortal could contain such a maddening contrast of mind and soul? Zev certainly believes he is such a being, and perhaps he's right. And the Awakened aspect of his being, what many mages refer to as an Avatar, draws no differences. Yet, Zev remains unclear as to what his final goal should be. With haunting nightmares plaguing his waking steps, the Vratyas eagerly seeks new vistas. That is why he left his homeland: to seek new experiences that might shed light on his translucent destiny. Perhaps his ancestral link to the mighty Panthers may help. Whatever his true Path may be, Zev is sure to leave a trail of both ruin and romance along the way.


Dynamic (Unpredictable)
Above all, Zev Arvind is a force of chaos, indefinable and strange in the annals of time. Not surprisingly, he suffers a +3 difficulty to all Social rolls that call on him to behave reliably, predictably, and dependably. But it also makes him a hard man to figure out, and he gains a –3 difficulty to Social rolls when he's concealing his motives and plans.

The impact of his Dynamic Resonance affects his magick, too. He is burdened with a +1 difficulty to Arete rolls for Effects designed to bring consistency to any Pattern. This does not include restorative rotes, but it would affect preventive spells. Conversely, he gains a –1 difficulty bonus to Arete rolls that involve a direct, major, and dramatic change to the subject matter beyond mere damage. (This may very well include many vulgar Effects.) Flinging a fireball at a target wouldn't count, but turning the victim into a toad would.

Entropic (Annihilating)
Not only is Zev an engine of change but also an engine of destruction, following the terrifying and war-like aspect of Shiva...Kali. The dark oblivion he brings to those that must be obliterated hangs heavily about Zev, adding a whirlwind of malefic energy that causes him to often be mistaken for Euthanatos. He suffers a +3 difficulty to Social rolls intended to suggest he has only good intentions. Unsurprisingly, he's a frightening creature, and gains a –3 difficulty to Intimidation rolls made in the course of combat.

Mystickally, the effects of his Resonance are direct and obvious. He gains a –1 difficulty to all rotes of pure and direct destruction. Creative and restorative magicks suffer with a +1 difficulty to the Arete rolls.


Avatar Armor
Level: 4
Arete: 4
Chi: 20
Origin: Centuries ago this treasure was crafted by a Vratyas wisewoman who prized anonymity above all. Despite its name, it only provides limited defense against actual attacks. Its true purpose is to defend the wearer against other adepts of Time and similar magic.
Description: This old khaddar scarf looks a little ragged and worn, but the rust-dyed garment still looks like a functional accessory with which to stay warm in the winter at least. It has no noticeable designs threaded into the cloth. Few can tell -- certainly without a magnifying glass -- that the cross-threads of this hand-woven garment are of a provocative purpose, a skein of time sewn into this simple garment.
Effects: 1) Provide light body armor protection; 2) Shroud the wearer’s temporal status; 3) Absorb spirit-based damage; 4) Briefly immunize wearer to malicious temporal effects
Chi Costs: Talisman: 0; Effect #1: 0; Effect #2: 1; Effect #3: 1; Effect #4: 2
Activation: The garment must simply be worn for the first two basic benefits. Conscious effort attunes the scarf whenever the second effect is channeled. To employ spirit armor, the wearer flings the right side of the scarf around to the left side of his neck. To employ the temporary immunity, the wearer tosses the left end of the scarf around to the right side of his neck. By and large, the intricately and deliberately complex skein of threads within the garment are inherently magical in fashion and require little effort of the wearer to activate.


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