Mage: The Ascension (Order of Hermes)

Game: This field refers to which organized online roleplaying game group the character belongs.
Elemental Souls: The link at the bottom refers to the nature of Elemental Souls as far as hsien magics are concerned. Note that only characters belonging to the CoLA (Coalition of Little Asia) game, along with related Fringe Troupe characters, will be described in this fashion.
Alignment: This is seen here for the simple fun of it. Consider it a big ol' "hell yeah" to the roleplaying game that spawned me, heh. It has no effect on my White Wolf characters' game systems or roleplay.
Birthday: The approximate date that the character was first played.
Status: On each character's statistics page, there is a field listed as "status". This means that the character is a PC, Semi-NPC, or NPC. A PC acquires XP and is played with the full intent to develop him or her as much as possible. A Semi-NPC still acquires XP but statistical development becomes much less of a concern compared to greater character development; Semi-NPCs will therefore not be employed in as many Storylines. NPCs no longer acquire XP and their stats are all but frozen; they do not participate in Storylines at all except as required by the Storyteller.
Power Level: I classify my characters with ten "power levels". Refer to this link (Power Levels) for definitions of each rating. A "?" means the character isn't completed yet.
Resonance: It should be noted that although I by far prefer Mage: The Ascension 2nd edition, I have adopted some of the Resonance rules from Revised Mage; each Mage character below has a section devoted to these traits.

Game Interest: Mage is definitely my favorite game. While I love more traditional and mystical mages, I prefer certain Crafts by far over the Nine Traditions. However, I love all brands of the Awakened.
Game rating: 9 (1 least favorite, 10 most favorite)

Order of Hermes

House Bonisagus

Cesar Suelto bani Bonisagus

The "unweaver" boasts he can undo any enchantment...and he might be right.
Game: CAS
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Lloyd Teylan bani Bonisagus

An assertive scholar, Lloyd steals into the affairs of the fallen Tremere for secrets.
Game: MGC
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

House Flambeau

Actonn White bani Apollo

This wizard pursues elemental mastery over nothing less than the sun.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Astrophel Carr bani Glazer

Pursuit of mastery of the element of water drew this thoughtful mystick to exotic isles.
Game: BoT
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Audrey Balcomb bani Bandini

Audrey and Roxanne enjoy a living as partnered stage magicians, masking their true power in the Mythic Threads of show business.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Avel Duke bani Chyme

Taking his West Point education to the front line, this Hermetic warrior deafens the Traditions' enemies with the thunder of victory.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Basil Lorde bani Terra

This Terra’s gravitational compression has been giving the Technocrats a headache for years.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ellen Nashton bani Aeros

This young initiate earnestly chases storms in the Midwest to better understand the power behind them.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Gideon Chase bani Glazer

This ice elementalist wields the ancient secrets in mighty defense of freedom and truth.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 3/05

Inessa Ivkina bani Apollo

A virgin priestess of the Temple of Light, she helps protect the sun itself.
Game: CoV
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Iza Newberry bani Terra

As a mistress of gravity and terrestial forces, this Hermetic war-mage fears no foe.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Joy McCallister bani Flambeau

Heat upon heat upon HEAT…
Game: BoT
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Kine Hegg bani Apollo

A virgin priestess of the Temple of Light, she helps protect the sun itself.
Game: CoV
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Monika Barton bani Chyme

She may be deaf but that may only inoculate her against the tremendous power of pure sonic force she wields against the Order's enemies.
Game: CbN
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 1/22

Moxie Storm bani Bandini

She poses as a magician's assistant while holding the real power on stage.
Game: VDG
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 1/22

Rosina Ruzhkova bani Apollo

A virgin priestess of the Temple of Light, she helps protect the sun itself.
Game: CoV
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Roxanne Balcomb bani Bandini

She and her twin sister enjoy a living as partnered stage magicians, masking their true power in the Mythic Threads of show business.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Sáva Simková bani Apollo

A virgin priestess of the Temple of Light, she helps protect the sun itself.
Game: CoV
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Stacy Dawson bani Apollo

She understands the paths and illuminaries, and stars twinkle and flare at her compelling command.
Game: MGC
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Timothy Acres bani Apollo

Fireworks are this Hermetic’s specialty, and indeed his obsession.
Game: CCG
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Zineta Basic bani Apollo

A virgin priestess of the Temple of Light, she helps protect the sun itself.
Game: CoV
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

House Fortunea

Garfield Humbleton bani Fortunea

Money makes the world go ‘round: in the palm of the hand of good Fortunea.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: **
Birthday: 2/20

Kaida Go bani Fortunea

Don't let the clichés fool you: Kaida is the best there is to rain gold from a pocket of lint.
Game: MGC
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Median Comfort bani Fortunea

Calculating opportunism embodies this talented and cunning wizard, as he oversees the transport of illegal arms.
Game: IYM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Shayla Simpson bani Fortunea

Her mathematical wit and ambition drew her as apprentice to an accomplished Fortunea broker on Wall Street.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: **
Birthday: 1/22

House Janissary

Jamilla Unaiza bani Janissary

A mistress of disguise, Jamilla is the ultimate mole, and she uses her skills to pull in dirty secrets from all the would-be enemies of the great Order of Hermes.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Sevda Boz bani Janissary

Bound to enforce Quaesitor will, she is both fair and ruthless.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Seyma Sahan bani Janissary

Surrounded by so many pent-up wizards, this "observer" masquerades as Shaea while studying her chantrymates closely.
Game: CAS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tao Weisheng bani Janissary

Posing as Hong Lei for House Janissary, this spy helps police his own Tradition for signs of treachery.
Game: MGC
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

House Quaesitor

Allen Hemmel bani Quaesitor

The admirable lust for knowledge in the Order compels wise men like this Quaesitor to ensure the path ends rightly.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Garland Patridge bani Quaesitor

The terrible Gilgul rite is a capital punishment among the Awakened, and this Quaesitor probes deeper into its annihilative mysteries.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Miles Chauncey bani Quaesitor

When Judge Chauncey is at the helm, everyone shuts up, puts on a straight face, and swears to God Almighty he's in a good mood.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Savannah Colby bani Quaesitor

A respected and talented teacher, she also keeps her eyes (and other senses) peeled for Wild Talent among the youth of the day.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 11/20

Theodora Colby bani Quaesitor

Daughter of a talented teacher, Theo Awakened early and shows vast prodigy promise.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: *
Birthday: 1/22

House Shaea

Adara Zahabu bani Shaea

An ivory tower academic, she chose to get her feet wet in the Ascension War on the other side of her home continent.
Game: IYM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 11/20

Anat Shaw bani Shaea

She completed her extensive Hermetic tests and rejoins her twin brother and their studies as Shaea proper.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 8/20

Arbasutanifu Ode bani Shaea

For ages, people stole the source of her House's power, so she's taking it back.
Game: IYM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Inarus Shaw bani Shaea

An academic on multiple levels, Inarus intends to improve his vast repertoire of knowledge and thereby excel as both a man and mage.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 8/03

House Tytalus

Alden Robertson bani Tytalus

Both a Freemason and US senator, this Tytalus power-broker waits and schemes to seize one great opportunity to reshape the world.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Calliope Vallatou bani Tytalus

Beautiful and brilliant, she serves as the "face" of the Golden Leopard Society.
Game: IYM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 8/20

Irina Westbrook bani Tytalus

Gifted with the might of Voice, Irina wields the words of power her order teaches her in exchange for the spoils of ambition.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Lionel Carnes bani Tytalus

Epitomizing Tytalus power-lust, Lionel's self-absorption at least keeps him out of trouble...for now.
Game: VDG
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Rachael Elcoat bani Tytalus

Though a young intern, apprentice, and aide, she has ambitions all her own.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Violeta Monserrat Encarnación bani Tytalus

When Dama Encarnación gives a command, the peasantry scrambles to obey, like the golden days of Spanish rule.
Game: CAS
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

House Verditius

Bridger Pope bani Verditius

With weird science, plucky will, and a take-no-shit New York attitude, this "ghost buster" helps defend Sleepers and Awakened alike from the depredations of the supernatural.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Caleb Lazard bani Verditius

With weird science, plucky will, and a take-no-shit New York attitude, this "ghost buster" helps defend Sleepers and Awakened alike from the depredations of the supernatural.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Castor King bani Verditius

Mystical inventor extraordinaire, this tinkerer lives for the next wonder.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Enzo Moroni bani Verditius

With weird science, plucky will, and a take-no-shit New York attitude, this "ghost buster" helps defend Sleepers and Awakened alike from the depredations of the supernatural.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Lamar Dufour bani Verditius

With weird science, plucky will, and a take-no-shit New York attitude, this "ghost buster" helps defend Sleepers and Awakened alike from the depredations of the supernatural.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Shelton Leonardo bani Thig

There is magic in the pre-Babel tongues, and this Thig genius intends to unlock it all.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ex Miscellanea

Anthony Porter bani Jerbiton

Under the guise of diplomacy, Tony networks fellow willworkers in chantries all over.
Game: IYM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: **
Birthday: 8/22

Bastiann Lear bani Diedne

Embracing the spirit of ancient dragons, this traditional wizard emulates their majesty.
Game: BoT
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Bethany Sweet bani Jerbiton

This angelic waitress masks masterful diplomacy under her charade of servitude.
Game: MGC
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Eileen French bani Skopos

Sheer brilliance leads her along the mysterious ley lines behind the ley lines: the skein of Destiny itself, and the nexuses that bind Fate together.
Game: VDG
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 1/22

Eleanor Kalogeron bani Hecate

As a scion of House Hecate, Eleanor weaves magical essence into the legendary tokens of tomorrow.
Game: CNS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Esraela Turkington bani Jerbiton

As a high-end escort, the Hermetic is able to exert powerful influence.
Game: MGC
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Eveleen Cilian bani Diedne

An old school bodily fluids-sloshing druid, she has little patience for anyone not as bloodthirsty as she.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 11/20

Foster Hume bani Merinita

This grumpy fae-wizard is retired and tired, but he's got one last 'quest' in him.
Game: VDG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ginette Bertillon bani Merinita

Recently Awakened, Wild Talent surges through this young mage with an old soul.
Game: MGC
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Grover Waybright bani Jerbiton

As a state congressman, Grover uses his influence as a mystickal peacebroker and deal-maker.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Karey Burnham bani Diedne

Like the ancient druids, the wizardress' rituals rouse and animate the earth and trees themselves.
Game: VDG
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Korravai Viswan bani Criamon

Smoke conceals the mysteries of her flesh and power.
Game: CCG
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Kristina Calhoun bani Jerbiton

A nefariously brilliant diplomat, she masks her sell-out to the Technocracy with long-term espionage upon vital chantry activities while dodging nosy Quaesitor.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Lamaya Lundin bani Jerbiton

As a high-end escort, the Hermetic is able to exert powerful influence.
Game: MGC
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Midir Griobh bani Merinita

This Merinita’s study of metaphysical polar opposites gives him a unique perspective on phenomena like the Lost…and Dauntain.
Game: MGC
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Mirna Warrington bani Jerbiton

As a high-end escort, the Hermetic is able to exert powerful influence.
Game: MGC
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Mylah Millgard bani Jerbiton

As a high-end escort, the Hermetic is able to exert powerful influence.
Game: MGC
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Naida Lushen bani Hong Lei

Hunger for knowledge and a vulpine curiosity drives this Crimson Thunder into the affairs of the shen.
Game: BoT
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nevin Demille bani Skopos

An avid proponent of determinism and chaos theory, this Skopos nonetheless critically analyzes those truths.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ong Malis bani Hong Lei

This wizardress walks a fine line of respectability between East and West while gathering from both forbidden secrets.
Game: MGC
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Quillan Sloane bani Merinita

Embracing the ancient wizardly ways, this fae-blooded Hermetic struggles to bring that spark of divinity back into the breasts of all people.
Game: VDG
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 11/05

Sarina Graysmark bani Jerbiton

As a high-end escort, the Hermetic is able to exert powerful influence.
Game: MGC
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Shaktar Utathya bani Criamon

Under the guise of legerdemain, this Punjabi wizard divines the riddle of reality.
Game: CbN
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 10/05

Sullivan McDern bani Merinita

Wild Talent takes many forms and a Merinita like Sully knows them all.
Game: MGC
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Summer Solas bani Merinita

A true Sleeping Beauty, her awakening signals the promise of warmer times to come after the Long Winter.
Game: CNS
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 11/20

Mage Profiles: Page III (Sons of Ether)

Elemental Souls