Radcliffe Dax

Magickal Paradigm & Style

“Magick” is not real. It’s a belief that some people have to explain the amazing things they can do. More often than not, it’s because of aid from various extra-dimensional entities drawn to the mages’ unwitting or witting superstitious methods. Other times, it’s just a flawed or obsolete understanding of the mages’ own human potential. But the Sons of Ether know better. Science beyond the average person’s comprehension is their stock and trade. And Rad is no exception to his Tradition’s modus operandi.

The key to Rad and his brethren’s scientific method is, of course, ether. This amazing substance is responsible for a lot of phenomena. The Technocracy, of course, blackballed its scientific veracity purely as a means to punish its wayward comrades. Thus, the Sons of Ether rebelled and left the Union forever. But ether is definitely real. It’s not the same as Quintessence, but like that primal force it is an underlying source of energy and matter few understand. In many ways, it’s like dark energy and dark matter. It’s there, but Sleeper scientists can’t detect it. And because of Technocratic intervention, they don’t even think it’s there anymore.

Tapping into this effusive energy remains the bedrock of every Etherite’s scientific methodology. Of course, Etherites are all scientists, and their disciplines span every known and unknown horizon. Rad, as a talented APU driver, is a builder of synchronized ether-feeds. He links up with ether-driven technology on a biological level, enabling him to do things no human being can otherwise do. Of course, without that technology, he can’t simply “work his will”. Sure, since ether is prevalent in the world, he can try to MacGuyver something to make up for the lack of his proper tools.

But some mages consider Rad foolhardy. This is how he learned the science. Without his APU link-ups, he’s not changing anything. It can also be assumed that because the APU is a battle suit, the Effects he may cause will be bottom-line practical. In a lab, he may detach certain pieces of the APU to do more research-based work. So for all Spheres, from those he knows and those he will learn, his power suit is unique and necessary, all except for two Spheres right now. One, his understanding of ether is best and most easily studied in inanimate Matter. He can more readily tap into that ether without his suit, though simply “waving his hand” will never do the trick. That said, knowledge is power, and sometimes just knowing where ether is focused can be enough to enable great change with even a mundane little push.

Secondly, the Sphere of Dimensional Science (Spirit) is beyond his ken. His focus on worldly affairs has so compelled young Rad that he is totally unable to learn even the fundamentals of “DS”. Unlike most APUs, he will probably never enjoy a tour as an Ethernaut.

It needs to be said that while Rad’s current power suit is his unique focus for all Spheres, his entire scientific paradigm is based on the development of that APU. Thus, while his suit may improve, change, and be remodeled, so long as it isn’t destroyed, he can work his scientific miracles. And should it be destroyed, he has the schematics to rebuild. (He would need the assistance of another Etherite with a solid competence in Prime to do so). He’ll just be little more than an unAwakened “norm” until he does rebuild.


Rad Dax doesn’t have some sort of supernatural view of his Avatar. His Avatar is his inspiration, that spark of inner genius that propels him to bigger and brighter ideas. It does tend to run wild with his imagination, however. Rad sees himself almost always in his APU suit, and in his power suit he’s always running, flying, or fighting. Rad isn’t sure what impact he will have. Will he really save the world? He’d like to think so. Then again, he may just have to settle for saving himself (and probably a beautiful girl). He gets his cues from these daydream fancies, as he calls them. But Rad knows their value. They’ve gotten him this far, haven’t they?


Dynamic (Impetuous)

Radcliffe is heroic and true, a real gallant. His adventurism shines right through his etheric aura. That also makes him seem (and often act) reckless and overconfident. Socially, this reflects in an injudicious persona Rad’s inadvertently crafted. Whenever he needs to try to convince others to be decisive and quick-witted, he suffers a +3 difficulty to relevant Social rolls. On the other hand, once action is underway, Rad can be counted on to be brave and monumental, and his leadership quality is revealed. He gains a –3 difficulty on such rolls.

Scientifically, Effects that require meticulous planning and cautious regard are not in Rad’s nature, and he rails against such overcautious “conformity”. He suffers a +1 difficulty to Arete rolls at these times. On the other hand, Rad gains a –1 difficulty on Arete rolls when he must think and act fast. That’s what he lives for! And yes, this often counters out the difficulty most mages suffer for fast-casting. Fast-casting in its true sense is virtually impossible for Rad anyway. Hand waving and eye winking don’t do the trick for this Son of Ether.

Static (Adamant)

As energetic as Rad is, he also embodies the need to stand one’s ground. He’s a tenacious and spirited individual. Like his Dynamic Resonance, this too shines through, shadowing his grandstanding attitude with a solid and accountable base. People know that when he’s convinced of the rightness of his cause, he cannot be moved. He gains a –2 difficulty when defending his beliefs against detractors. Meanwhile, others see his intractability as nothing more than a stubborn streak, and he therefore suffers a +2 difficulty in Social situations where he’s expected to be more open-minded and tolerant.

Rad Dax’s Static Resonance casts a two-sided die on his scientific workings, too. He suffers a +1 difficulty on Arete rolls for any Effects that create a fluid and smooth movement of Patterns (from liquefying solids to evening out weather patterns to even most healing Effects). This does have a broad benefit, though. He gains a –1 difficulty on Arete rolls that involve any sort of direct non-aggressive defense (such as strengthening his suit’s armor, erecting an electronic fire wall, or raising a force field, but not “pre-emptive” defense like plasma blasts, improved bullets, and greater muscle power).


Self-Contained Etheride Fusion Superstratum for Defense & Reconnaissance –- “Penny Alpha” Mark II
Level: 3
Arete: 3
Quintessence: 15
Origin: This is the Skefdar series APU power suit that Rad Dax developed with JAK’s oversight and assistance. Since JAK is no more, Rad struggles to develop it beyond the most rudimentary stage. However, it is a work-in-progress; development is quite possible.
Description: (See Rad’s first webpage for a description of the suit.)
Effects: 1) Fly through the air with jet boots; 2) Cloaking device for invisibility; 3) Armor reinforcement. The concealable arm-borne laser-based cannons and the base +4 armor bonus are non-magickal implements. The cannons only discharge Ether-based energy rays (that is, they’re only foci, not part of the Talisman’s Effects).
Quintessence Costs: Talisman: 1/hour, Effect #1: 1/scene, Effect #2: 1/turn, Effect #3: 1/turn
Activation: The suit’s functions are connected cerebrally to Rad’s spinal column and brain stem. He only needs to think to activate any of its functions.


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