Zoe Freed

Sons of Ether
Team Plerionites
Advanced Adept of the Adventurers
Space Huntress of the Minute Meditation Chantry


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 148 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Blue bodysuit
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Upright and statuesque in demeanor
Supernatural Qualities: Seems to be just passing through, leaving powerful vibes of larger-than-life heroism; if you pause to look into her eyes, you see swirling galaxies, easily drawing you away into la-la land
Accoutrements: Waist-holstered laser pistol
Traits: Appearance 4 (luminous); Arcane 1; Echoes (5)

"I'm dangerous...and watching over you."


Date of Birth: March 30th, 1970
Home: Ninlil, Galileo Region, Ganymede
Family: Roderick and Gina Freed (parents), Susanna Freed (younger sister)
The Awakening: Personal Tragedy (parents were miners in a silica mine, died during a Nephandi assault that also destroyed their home; she saved herself with life support but her toddler sister couldn't manage in time; she lost consciousness from shock and concentrated oxygen), 1986
Mentor: Aetos, a Deep Space alien of benevolent wisdom and advanced technology (an eagle-like humanoid spirit being)
The Test: Trial by Combat (had to demonstrate that she harnessed all skills in preparation for more of the universe's enemies, both in and out of the battle suit that Aetos and his people bestowed)
Comrades: Dr. Naomi Hawke
Key Event #1: War (armed, trained, and enlightened in the ways, means, and reasons to fight, she began her quest to avenge her family and halt the expansion of the Nephandi, battling the dark wizards and their allies across the solar system, often teaming up with the Technocracy to do so)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (the Nephandi vanished after this series of defeats, and she turned toward the stars, exploring them as her soul felt like it screamed to do, and she encountered many non-human civilizations both current and ruined across the stars, as well as encountering mind-boggling metaphorical entities she often had to flee or outwit)
Key Event #3: War (the Etherites called her back to battle a resurgence of vile foes: a species of demonic aliens in truck with the Nephandi that could drain their enemies' souls, effectively Gilguling mages while sucking their life-force dry; her unique Aetos-devised battle suit countered the Siccobelua demons tit-for-tat and drove the threat back beyond the reaches of known space and into the maw of the galactic core's massive black hole)
Key Event #4: Treachery (despite the support of Ethernaut allies, the last push of Siccobelua into the gravity well caught her in its undeniable grip, too; she was sucked into the event horizon, the suit barely resisting the atomization, and splitting reality through this reality-split, hurling her temporarily through a parallel dimension that resulted in the split of her Avatar and the birth of Laila, the darkness to her light)
Transition: Victory (the defeat of the Siccobelua and their Nephandi backers signaled the end of the wartime campaign in space, if not true peace; she took up with an Ethernaut vessel in the hopes of locating and eliminating one way or another her shadow-twin before it could undo all they sacrificed to achieve)


Barrier PA-VGP14 Powered Armor Suit
Appearance: Powered armor that suits her entire body head to toe in a flexible alloy unknown to man, complete with helmet and astronaut-like face mask, a built-in arm cannon (right side), and reinforced pauldrons, all tinted a purplish-red and humming with energy like a power-plant
Origin: Gift
Effects: 1) heavy yet unburdening armor; 2) enable Forces-based plasma blasts; 3) enable Forces/Matter-based smart anti-personnel missile generation; 4) protect from the elements, including the vacuum of space; 5) fly at subsonic speeds (boot jets); 6) absorb the life-force of the dead and dying around her; 7) channel that stolen life-force into constant healing, raw energy fields, and a variety of other Pattern Effects, many of which she is still (decades later) discovering by accident or experimentation
Activation: It must be worn and attuned to the specific DNA of the wearer; in other words, it only works for Zoe

Subatmospheric Transvehicular Overhaul Bay (S.T.O.B.) (Sanctum)

Location: The lower deck of the Nautilius (an Ethernaut scouting craft/small freighter)
Structure: Otherworld
Stock: Advanced hypertech maintenance tool kit; powered armor diagnostic revolving module
Traits: Arcane 3

Significant Others

Names: Carrie Rigby; 2010; Laila Freed; 2012
Nature: Companionship; Erotic



Kink in the Armor

Zoe's fearlessness could be construed as recklessness. Her plan backfired on her after all, that caused her to be drawn into the event horizon only to be spat out with a shadow-version of herself now free to run amuck.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though Zoe widely explores Space, she is well-prepared and trained for demonic shenanigans, and indeed has proven herself against them already.


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