Jun Ng

Magickal Style & Paradigm

Like the Ka'a mysticks that are her sisters, Jun utilizes Tantrik exercises, stretches, forms, and dancing. Furthermore, herbal drugs and alchemical concoctions are prepared to enhance the body, mind, and spirit. Through these exercises and aides, Jun accentuates the prowess of the flow of ch'i in her body and harmonizes her being with the Ten Thousand Things. Through this enlightened state of being, even miracles are possible. But the Kan Lu use a similar ideology. The Ka'a differ in that they require less rigid adherence to the Tantrik exercise itself and utilize the results -- a freed spirit. Through projection of the mind and spirit, Jun is able to learn all the answers to this illusionary world without the blinders of physical perceptions. And like all Cultists of Ecstasy, Jun sees the universe as firstly and lastly a temporal reality. All things have length within Time but Time itself is without length. By understanding how to become one with immeasurable Time, one might find true accordance with life and Ascend. Jun's magick is also dependent partially on sisterhood. Several rotes she cannot perform alone, even if she has the ability -- she believes certain magicks are only meant to be done as a group, and that group must be linked as one in their physical bodies' temporal cycles (i.e., the menstrual cycle). Lastly, she believes as chi'n ta she has a duty to the world, to the Heavens, and that includes cleansing the Wheel of debris so that the progression of Time may continue on in its eternity. When Paradox strikes, it is because she has not performed her duties properly due to her own personal flaws -- Paradox is the imperfection she strives to overcome.

Jun's most recent Sphere of magick, Correspondence, involves the use of water. The water may be simply purified, or it may be accented with certain herbal ingredients. The water may be consumed, splashed, or peered into. It depends on the nature of the spell in question. Her water usage is not required.

Her Entropy magick requires the use of certain perception-enhancing herbs. These herbs are often crushed and swallowed or smeared on the appropriate ch'i center of the body while performing a Tantrik exercise.

The Art of Forces was learned under study with her former diksha, Grace. The voice remains her key to channeling elemental power through her own ch'i. The voice is the mouthpiece of the soul, the breath exhaled in speech and song the ch'i summoned and expelled back into the world. A mantra -- sung or uttered repeatedly -- is required to summon raw force.

Life magick for Jun comes through understanding the continued cycle of life, and that comes through the act of sex. However, simple rutting will not do. A precise number of Tantrik postures, some intended for only females, others for only males, others for both, must be enacted. However, Jun has had a great deal of experience with this Art. She can close her eyes and remember the last times she engaged in ritual sex, precisely how it made her feel, and so does not need to actually perform it right then and there. Her greatest healing and restoration magicks, however, are prepared ahead of time with ritual sex as part of the act.

Matter magick on the other hand requires a combination of Tantrik herbs and drugs with Taoist alchemy. She is still in the earliest stages of understanding how the elements interact with the world around her, and requires her often strange and sometimes indigestible concoctions.

Mind magick, her sect's specialty, requires a level of solemn reverence few other Arts receive. Depending on the complexity of the rote, she must chant in Tibetan a sacred mantra over and over. The more complex the rote, the more complex the mantra. Her intonation and posture while chanting must be precise. Fortunately, Jun has been initiated to some of the sect's greater secrets in this Art, and her confidences permits her to be able to in emergency to forgo the mantras as she does not need to chant them. She always prays and re-harmonizes herself with the gods and herself at a later date, should she be forced to abandon the mantra.

The Art of Prime, of the universal flowing ch'i, is represented by the light and flame of life that candles bring. Depending on the nature of her rote, her candles may be of varying heights, materials, and scents. Either way, they are required parts of her Prime magick.

The spirit world is seen as the "world of illusions beyond illusions". All Ten Thousand Things set upon this universe are dreams to wake up from when enlightened. But first one must be able to understand all of one's dream, and the spirit worlds cannot be understood until one excels in this Art. To see, summon, speak with, and visit with the spirits of Yin and Yang, complex Tantrik dances must be performed. Spirits of Yang are accorded vibrant motions while spirits of Yin are honored with quiet, slow-motion dances, all including difficult postures requiring superb flexibility. Dancing for the gods and ancestors is required of the inexperienced shaman Jun still is.

Her final, known Sphere and the most important to her Path and beliefs is the Art of Time. To acknowledge the flow of all things through the universe, Jun raises her voice in song. The act of singing represents tempo, rhythm, pitch, and all the myriad devices that make up singing -- and all these things make-up time, too. Hence, when she sings, she becomes one with the flow of Time. Her songs are traditional hymns of Tibetan and Tantrik origin, but the Ka'a have developed a style of music all their own, and its beat flows through her more strongly than any other. A cappella, wild, yet precise and beautiful, her song reaches up to the Heavens -- and the Heavens sing back, granting her visions and altering the flow of reality around her for her benefit and necessity. Though she does not need to sing, she loves to do so personally and often will when enacting the Art of Time. In emergencies, she may not, because she knows the gods love her music anyway.


The Yu Nu -- the Jade Maidens -- manifest to Jun in her dreams and Seekings. There are five Jade Maidens and each presides over one of the five cardinal directions -- North, East, West, South, and the Center. These directions also tie into appropiate and auspicious colors, numbers, elements, animals -- all of it ties together. As Jun excels in her studies and grows wiser in her experiences, the Yu Nu reveal more of this mystery of the Great Cycle and Wheel of Ages. Jun is an attentive student of her own consciousness, listening and heeding suggestions and ideas of her ancient Avatar. The Yu Nu are not pushy and demanding so much as quiet and passive; if Jun defies them, they simply grow silent and their suggestions are not offered until she atones -- and until she does, her magick suffers as a result. But Jun rarely does disagree with her Avatar, letting their ancient wisdom guide her Path to a successful destination.


Static (Dependable)

Jun understands dedication to family and that has turned her into a dependable woman when it comes to friends, family, and duty. She suffers a +3 difficulty to Social rolls whenever she is trying to persuade strangers of her accountability, however, due to her attitude and manner of dress. Those who know her, however, trust her more -- she receives a -3 difficulty to Social rolls when reassuring acquaintances, friends, and loved ones of her dependability.

Magickally, she is able to pass that dependable influence on well. Spells that encourage others to be more dependable, particularly towards those they care about, receive a -1 difficulty. Spells that would discourage it, however, are penalized by +1 difficulty.

Dynamic (Blissful)

Jun is possibly the happiest woman one can ever meet. In spite of her past, she grew into a beautiful, happy-go-lucky person. Those who are in need of cheering up she can do so easily; -3 difficulty to appropiate Social rolls. On the other hand, her giddiness makes sourpusses even more sour. A +3 difficulty to Social rolls with the cynics is applied.

Any spells that invoke absolute bliss in a person are rolled at -1 difficulty. Spells that would directly and terribly depress someone receive a +1 difficulty. Directly would be like a Mind or Life Effect, or a Time Effect to make the person relive an unhappy time. An attack spell would depress anyone, but the depression is a side effect there.

Significant Others

Jun discovered and apprenticed Dian Juhairi in 2003. Naturally, this led to the teenager's seduction. The Ka'a has few sexual inhibitions. Of course, their passions act as fuel for the fire, as Jun shows Dian how to channel such extreme sensation into an art. Marriage would never be an option. But Jun intends to initiate the Malaysian girl into the Ka'a. Children are inevitable; indeed, they are a standard part of Ka'a life. And Jun's Life Arts are advanced enough to allow it!

However, Dian’s interests in Ecstastic Arts did not lead her to the ways of the Ka’a, and Jun is never one to force such a choice. Dian prefers a more eclectic and cosmopolitan Ecstatic approach, but the two still work and live closely together on the Children's Crusade.


The West Woods House (Sanctum)

~Located approximately a quarter-mile from the Yamahasu Pagoda, the West Woods House is hidden in the fringes of the Smithville Woods that the Court's hengeyokai claim. The bungalow is situated in proper terms with ambient feng shui and the dragon lines and as a result, its mystic walls help to hide its presence from casual observation. The one-level building is a gentle mahogany in color, the slightly-inclined roof a darker brown. A simple and small porch leads up to the only door. Upon entrance, one immediately notes just how communal the dwellers here are: there is only one, double king-sized bed in the center of this main living/bedroom. Besides the bed, there are two low-level, plush sofas arranged near one another with a glass coffee table centered. A book shelf occupies the other wall, and where books do not stand, bottles of various, strange materials, herbs, and concoctions do. A few electrical sockets are indeed fitted into the walls throughout the cabin, as the place is hooked up to the nearby pagoda's electricity (and its plumbing). There are still few lights and other electrics. Two thresholds lead to the only two other rooms in the bungalow: a bathroom and a meditation room. The bathroom is outfitted with a shower stall, hot tub, and sink, and all of it neatly compacted. The meditation room boasts a simple room with a large cabinet, where raw materials are stored. The floor is padded for all methods of Tantrik stretching, meditation, posturing, and exercises. The whole place bears a neat and clean sense of Eastern mystickism blended with Western comfort: a modern "witches' hut", to be sure.~

OOC: Arcane 3

"But don't you want me to be your Sandman?"


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