Queen Summer Solas bani Merinita

Paradigm & Style

Overview: Traditional (high faerie-witch magic: boiling cauldrons and bubbling proclamations of raw mystical power backed by the machinations of elder fate itself)
Quintessence: Otherworldly
Paradox: Consensus
Sphere (Entropy): Hermetic astrology (necessary)
Sphere (Forces): Cast-iron cauldron fire/smoke (unnecessary)
Sphere (Life): Cauldron-prepared potions (unnecessary)
Sphere (Mind): Crown of the Summer Queen (unique/unnecessary)
Sphere (Prime): Faerie blood--including her own (unnecessary)
Sphere (Spirit): Royal invocations (unnecessary)
Sphere (Time): Hermetic astrology (necessary)


Appearance: Immersion, Authoritative (she sees herself as one face of many rulers in a world restored to its primal fey magnificence, as she once was)
Path: World Ascension (almost certain)


Dynamic (seasonal): rotes that depend on the season (the warmer the season, the stronger the Resonance for Summer)
Entropic (inexorable): rotes that make all bend to her will and role as once-and-future queen
Static (peaking): rotes that refrain from any effect until they can backbuild and release all at once

The Neuschwanstein Donjon (Sanctum)

Location: Riverdale Park, The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States
Structure: Bunker
Stock: Designed after a famous fairytale castle in Germany: the donjon is the sanctuary beneath a castle; it is well-appointed for a "sleeping beauty": luxurious bed furnishings of gold, glass, and finest wood; portraits of famous Fiona lords and ladies line the walls; Gaelige glyphs bedeck the entire underground stone masonry for protection; ample food and wine are also stored
Traits: Arcane 5


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