Laila Freed

Sons of Ether
Advanced Adept of the Adventurers
Negative Neuropsychic Fragment of Zoe Freed


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 148 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black bodysuit
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: Sneaky and creepy in disposition, yet entirely unafraid and in-your-face
Supernatural Qualities: Seems to be just passing through, leaving powerful vibes of larger-than-life heroism; seems to weaken people just being near them
Accoutrements: Waist-holstered laser pistol
Traits: Appearance 4 (roguish); Arcane 2; Confidence

"I'm just like you, except better."


Date of Birth: December 3rd, 2010
Home: S55, Sagittarius A*
Family: none
The Awakening: External Supernatural Trigger (Zoe Freed's tumble into the gravity well of Sagittarius A* was survived due to the battle suit, but it still hurtled her through a parallel dimension that tore at her superatomic structure, creating a double -- Laila, born as an immediate dark matter-derived copy of the heroine)
Mentor: none
The Test: none
Comrades: none
Key Event #1: Treachery (Laila was born self-aware and with motivations different from, and almost alien to, Zoe's, which she immediately began to act upon by first attempting to outright slay her light-side double)
Transition: Defeat (Zoe vanquished her but she escaped, retreated to the outskirts of the gravity well, and decided upon a different avenue -- to befriend her twin soul and use Zoe to help her own goals)


Barrier PA-VGP14-Dark Powered Armor Suit
Appearance: Powered armor that suits her entire body head to toe in a flexible alloy unknown to man, complete with helmet and astronaut-like face mask, a built-in arm cannon (right side), and reinforced pauldrons, all tinted an inky unreflective black and humming with energy like a power-plant
Origin: Inherent
Effects: 1) heavy yet unburdening armor; 2) enable Forces-based plasma blasts; 3) enable Forces/Matter-based smart anti-personnel missile generation; 4) protect from the elements, including the vacuum of space; 5) fly at subsonic speeds (boot jets); 6) absorb the life-force of the dead and dying around her; 7) channel that stolen life-force into constant healing, raw energy fields, and a variety of other Pattern Effects; 8) teleport instantly to her Sanctum
Activation: It must be worn and attuned to the specific DNA of the wearer; in other words, it only works for Laila.

Void Hollow of the Tem-Tum (Sanctum)

Location: Dark matter-soaked (not in mass but as a trans-dimensional translucent overlay) asteroid fragment orbiting S55
Structure: Otherworld
Stock: Advanced hypertech maintenance tool kit; powered armor diagnostic revolving module
Traits: Arcane 3

Significant Others

Names: Carrie Rigby; 2012; Zoe Freed; 2012
Nature: Erotic




Laila was torn from Zoe Freed. She knows she's some sort of parallel dimension duplicate but she is powerful and ambitious and will never stop her insane goal of conquering the universe.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Because she's already wicked.


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